阅读材料妙选择 报纸新闻乐趣多
本文作者: 21ST
编者按:本期本栏目精选了国外教师利用英文报纸开展阅读课堂练习的实例,帮助老师活跃课堂气氛,开拓阅读教学的新思路。 Newspaper reading activities Kate Joyce NEWSPAPERS are a useful tool in the ELT classroom for improving students’ reading skills and enhancing their knowledge of current affairs. If used in an inspiring way, newspapers can help students develop not only reading skills but also writing, grammar, vocabulary and speaking skills. Here are some activities to guide you. * Guess the headline Step 1: Cut out a number of headlines and from each one remove an interesting word (e.g. Missing Painting Found In _______). Step 2: Stick the incomplete headlines on a piece of paper, photocopy and distribute to teams of four students. Step 3: Ask each team to come up with two possible answers for each headline: the most likely word and the funniest word. Step 4: Collect all the answers and give each team a point for any correct answer, and for the funniest answers. Step 5: Get everyone involved by holding a vote for the funniest answer for each headline. * Guess the article Step 1: Select an interesting newspaper article, preferably one which involves an exciting / unusual story. Step 2: Choose eight key words from the article and write them on the blackboard. Step 3: Ask students to work in teams of four to come up with a story including these words. Step 4: When they have finished, read out the original article. Step 5: Get students to read aloud their own versions — this can create a lot of laughs! * Gossip Step1: Choose tabloid newspapers involving a bit of scandal about famous people. Step 2: Teach students useful phrases for chatting or gossiping, e.g. “Have you heard about...?”“Did you know that...?” “Guess what?” Step 3: Ask students to choose an article of their choice, underline or jot down important parts of the article and report it to a friend. Step 4: Ask students to go round the class, chatting with different people about their news article. You could also teach students some useful phrases for responding, e.g. “Really? I don’t believe it!” “Are you joking?” “How / when did it happen?” 报纸是帮助学生提高英语阅读能力和了解时事的有效教学材料。如果老师从激发学生兴趣的角度安排报纸阅读,不仅能提高学生的阅读能力,还能提高他们的写作、语法、词汇和口语能力。下面是推荐的课堂活动。 * 猜想标题 第一步:剪下一些报纸标题,每个标题除去一个有趣的单词,如“Missing Painting Found In ________”。 第二步:每4名学生分成一组。老师把不完整的标题粘贴在一张纸上,复印并发给每组学生。 第三步:让每组学生为每个标题想出两个答案:可能性最大的单词和最有趣的单词。 第四步:收集所有的答案,每组学生每答对一个单词或提出最有趣的单词得1分。 第五步:选择最有趣的单词时让每名学生参与投票。 * 猜想文章 第一步:选择一篇有趣的报纸文章,最好是一篇让人激动的或者不寻常的故事。 第二步:在文章中选择8个关键词写在黑板上。 第三步:让学生每4人一组,利用这些单词编写故事。 第四步:学生编完故事之后,老师大声朗读原始文章。 第五步:让学生大声朗读他们自己的文章——这个环节会笑料百出。 * 八卦新闻 第一步:选择一些登有明星传闻的小报。 第二步:教给学生闲谈八卦时的用语,例如“Have you heard about…?”“Did you know that…?”“Guess what?” 第三步:让学生自己选择一篇文章,划出或记下文章的重点部分并告诉一位朋友。 第四步:让学生在教室中走动,和不同的人聊他们的新闻。老师还可以教给学生回答的用语,例如“Really? I don’t believe it!”“Are you joking?”“How / when did it happen?” | ![]() |
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