组织丰富练习活动 活化语音课堂教学
本文作者: 21ST
编者按:本期本栏目精选了三例国外教师进行语音教学的实例,从练习动词过去时的发音、利用听写练习发音和采用音标标注文章三方面探讨语音教学。 Pronunciation of past simple verbs Marta J. Sabbadini THIS activity is to help students consider the differences in pronunciation of regular past tense verbs. Step 1: Prepare a set of 12 cards, with a (regular) past simple verb on each. Make sure that the cards are large enough to be seen from the back of the classroom. The past simple verbs can be “liked, played, wanted, watched, tried, hated, looked, showed, needed, danced, cried and visited”. Step 2: Hold up the cards and let the students say what the words have in common. Students may identify they’re all past simple verbs with “-ed” endings. Step 3: Write three categories (-ed = /t/, -ed = /d/, -ed = /id/) on the blackboard. Ask students to read them out. Then show the first card, e.g. liked, asking students to decide which category it goes in. Step 4: Paste the card on the blackboard once students recognize the correct category. If necessary, emphasize that the /t/ sound corresponds to the “-ed” ending. Repeat this for the second card, e.g. wanted. Elicit that the two verbs have the same past simple ending but are pronounced differently. Step 5: Put students into five groups, each with two cards. Ask each group to put them in the right category. Step 6: Observe the class as students decide to which category the verbs belong. Step 7: After students have finished, the teacher points out how many verbs are not placed correctly without revealing the incorrect ones. Then encourage the students to make changes. Step 8: Once correct changes have been made, the teacher asks the class to read the verbs aloud. Step 9: With more analytically minded students, the rule that verb ends in a /t/ or /d/ sound is pronounced /id/ can be elicited. 这项活动帮助学生思考规则动词过去时的发音区别。 第一步:准备12张卡片,每张卡片上写有一个规则动词的过去时。确保卡片上的字号足够大,能够让坐在教室后排的同学看清楚。这些动词可以是liked,played,wanted,watched,tried,hated,looked,showed,needed,danced,cried和visited。 第二步:向学生展示卡片,让他们找出卡片上单词的共同点。学生会发现这些词都是以“-ed”结尾的简单动词的过去时。 第三步:在黑板上写出三个发音类别,即 -ed = /t/, -ed = /d/, -ed = /id/。让学生大声朗读,然后举起第一张卡片,假设上面写的是“liked”,让学生决定它属于哪一类。 第四步:学生找对类别后,把卡片贴在相应类别。如有必要,强调音素/t/对应的是结尾“-ed”的发音。以此步骤练习第二张卡片上的单词,如“wanted”。向学生说明这两个动词的过去时结尾相同但发音不同。 第五步:把学生分成5组,每组两张卡片。让学生把卡片归到正确的类别。 第六步:老师观察学生的讨论。 第七步:学生完成练习后,老师指出错误的数目,但不指出具体的单词,鼓励学生做出调整。 第八步:学生完成正确归类后,让全班大声朗读这些动词。 第九步:如果授课对象是分析能力较强的学生,可以总结一些简单的规律,如动词原形以/t/或/d/发音结尾的时候,其过去时的结尾发音是/id/。 Using dictation to practice pronunciation Roger Pattimore THIS activity requires both productive and receptive pronunciation skills to complete the task. Step 1: Decide on the aspects of pronunciations that students are having trouble with, and select the pronunciation points to be practiced. Step 2: Prepare appropriate papers for a speaker and a listener. At least two minimal pairs representing each pronunciation point are needed to allow both students to perform the roles of speaker and listener. The listener’s paper will be a simple blank dictation paper while the speaker’s paper will have the actual words to be dictated. Step 3: The speaker and listener are seated adjacent to each other. For large classes, one speaker’s paper may serve for four or five pairs of students. Then speakers’ papers should be posted on the blackboard. No speaker’s paper is readable by any listener. Step 4: The speakers come forward to the blackboard and read the words to be dictated. They then return to their respective listeners and dictate the words. They may return to the blackboard to check the words but must not in any way indicate the spelling of the words. The listeners write the words down and may ask for the word to be repeated several times, if necessary. Step 5: When all the listeners have written the words, the teacher posts new dictation words on the blackboard, and speakers and listeners change roles. Step 6: While the activity is going on, the teacher should circulate and monitor the pronunciation of the speakers, noting poor pronunciation for future feedback. Step 7: After both members of the pair have completed the dictation, they will self-check their answers, or the class may check the answers as a whole. Step 8: Ask students to practice some of the pronunciations over again based on the notes taken while monitoring. 这项活动可同时考查学生的发音与听力能力。 第一步:选择学生发音存在困难的音素作为练习的重点。 第二步:分别为朗读者和听写者准备纸张。选择至少两对包含上述因素的最小对立体,以便每个学生都能针对这个发音做一轮朗读者和听写者。听写者的纸是一张白纸,而朗读者的纸上写有将要听写的单词。 第三步:朗读者和听写者相邻而坐。如果班级人数较多,四至五对学生可以共用一份听写材料。老师可以把听写材料贴在黑板上,不能让听写者看到听写材料。 第四步:朗读者到黑板前查看要听写的单词,然后回到听写者身边听写这些单词。朗读者可以回到黑板前确认单词,但不能透露单词的拼写。听写者写下单词,如有需要,可以要求朗读者重复朗读单词。 第五步:听写者写完单词后,老师将新的单词贴在黑板上,朗读者和听写者交换角色。 第六步:活动进行时,老师应在教室里来回走动并观察朗读者的发音,注意发音不准确的情况,以便将问题反馈给学生。 第七步:每对学生都完成听写练习之后,让他们自己对照答案改正,也可以全班一起核对答案。 第八步:老师根据活动中所记录的问题,带领学生重新练习其中的一些发音。 Phonetic transcription Kenneth Beare THIS activity aims at achieving a greater understanding of the influence of connected speech on pronunciation through the use of phonetic transcription, and gaining experience in the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to transcribe speech. Step 1: Quickly review the IPA, and ask students to transcribe various words written on the blackboard. Step 2: Lead a short discussion about the differences in pronunciation between various words spoken by themselves and in phrases. Step 3: Examine a worksheet of text transcribed in IPA. Ask students to note differences between what the single word pronunciation should be and the manner in which it has been transcribed. * Example text Frustration is a burst hot-water bottle, or loathing every moment of a holiday you’re paying a fortune for. It’s using the wrong side of the Sellotape, forgetting what you were going to say, or locking yourself out. Frustration is other people parking in front of your garage, or a stranger reading a riveting letter on the bus and turning over before you get to the bottom of the page. Step 4: Discuss the various changes by giving aural examples as well as written descriptions on the blackboard. Step 5: Put students into small groups of three to four. Give groups text to be transcribed into the IPA, and stress that they should practice speaking each phrase before beginning the transcription process. * Text to be transcribed The weather today will be warm for the time of year and fine on the whole. There will be showers here and there though some places will miss out completely. The good spell should hold over the next two days but there may be fog over low ground in the early mornings. That is the end of the general forecast. Step 6: Ask groups to compare their work with the transcribed text handout. Step 7: Discuss problematic areas. 这项活动目的在于让学生通过标注音标来加深对连续语言中音素变化的理解,并学习运用国际音标来记录语句。 第一步:快速复习国际音标,让学生写出黑板上单词的音标。 第二步:组织学生讨论单词单独发音和在句子中发音的区别。 第三步:学习一篇用国际音标记录的文章。让学生注意比较单个单词的发音和它在句子中用音标记录的不同之处。(例文见上图) 第四步:用口述和在黑板上书写的形式举例子,讨论单词发音和音标的各种变化。 第五步:学生每三至四人分成一组。把要用音标记录的文章发给每组学生。强调学生应先朗读句子,再使用音标标注。(用于音标转录的文章见上文例子) 第六步:各组比较自己用音标记录的文章。 第七步:讨论疑难点。 | ![]() |
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