本文作者: 文/ 大连嘉汇教育集团王彩霞
例1:He said,“A wise man __30__, but a fool stays the same.” With the teachers’help, he wrote his book Life Is So Good two years later. (A. wins B. fails C. succeeds D. changes)
该题中,but连接了两个转折分句,所以两个分句的语义应该是相对的。而a wise man又和a fool相对应,所以stays the same 应该和空白处构成相反含义,因此选择答案D。
例2:Spiders are good at eating insects and they can kill __26__ for each meal.(A.a lot B. a little C. a few D. little)
and后边的分句是对前面分句的解释,解释蜘蛛为什么are good at eating insects, 所以答案应为A。
例3:There were so many people on the bus that there were no empty seats. When a young man got on, an old man near him wanted to ___2___, but the young man pushed him back to his seat. “Thank you,” he said, “but please don’t do that, I can stand.”(A. sit down B. get on C. set out D. stand up)
车上人很多,没有空座位,年轻人上车后,老人想要下车,但是年轻人误以为老人要让座,所以说:but please don’t do that, I can stand. 而且年轻人伴随着这样一个动作,将老人pushed back to his seat,因为老人给年轻人让座是不太合情理的,所以这段文字才显得滑稽可笑。答案选择D。句子结构重点考查学生基本功是否扎实,是否明白句子的各种成分及意义。
It is ___21___,that George learned to read just two years before he wrote the book.(A. difficult B. impossible C. important D. surprising)
该题为It is +adj.+ that+从句结构,从句是真正的主语。对于乔治在学习认字两年后就能写书这个事情,通常的看法都是很令人惊讶,因此答案选择D。错误地选择A和B答案,是因为加上了自己的主观看法。
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