本文作者: 文/北师大二附中 张晋芳
一、教学内容 英文小说《蝴蝶梦》原版第16章节选 二、教学目标 ◆ 初步欣赏英美文学作品 ◆ 体验词汇学习策略 三、教学设备 卡西欧电子辞典EV-SP2900 本课主要应用电子辞典的下述功能: ◆ 英语多词典查询 ◆ 英汉双解词典查询 ◆ 汉英大词典查询 ◆ 近义词词典查询 ◆ 例句查询 ◆ 惯用语查询 四、教学过程摘录 1.教师引导学生关注文章关键词,借助电子辞典中收录的词典,结合原文加深对文学作品中细节描写的理解。 Which of the following statements can best describe that “the lodge was uninhabited”? Underline the key words which help you get the answers. a. There was a padlock and a chain upon the gate. b. I called in my dream to the lodge keeper, and had no answer. c. ...and peering through the rusted spokes of the gate... d. No smoke came from the chimney. e. ...the little lattice windows gaped forlorn. f. The drive wound away in front of me. g. (the drive) was narrow and unkept. h. There was Manderley, our Manderley, secretive and silent as it had always been. 根据文中的大量细节描写,学生可以猜测uninhabited的含义,通过查询英汉双解词典明确该词的中英文释义,并进一步查询近义词词典找到该词的近义词。(图一)在此基础上,教师引导学生重点关注描述细节的语句,借助英汉词典划出最能体现uninhabited情景的词汇。(图二、图三) 2.阅读理解部分处理完毕之后,教师引导学生关注文中一句话:“...the portrait of Caroline de Winter is a Raeburn...”,并提出问题:“What/who do you think “Raeburn” (line 5) is?” A. Caroline de Winter’s husband B. The painter of the portrait C. A famous style of painting 在学生无法从文章上下文获取相关信息时,教师应引导他们使用英语多词典查询功能,以便得到详尽的解释。(图四) 3.猜测词义。教师让学生在文中找到以下生词,并在不查字典的情况下根据上下文的语境猜测词义,完成Exercise A。 A. Find the following words in the story and guess their possible meanings. Then put them in the right places of the following statements. derision (extract 1 line 34) brittle (extract 1 line 39) hamper (extract 2 line 26) parade (extract 2 line 50) blaze ( extract 2 line 74) stumble (extract 2 line 100) 1. If you treat someone with _____, you think someone is silly or stupid. 2. Something that is hard but easily broken can be described as _____. 3. If you are _____ by something, it will make it difficult for you to do what you are trying to do. 4. People who walk around in a way that makes others notice them can be described as _____ up and down. 5. If somebody’s eyes _____, they look extremely angry. It can also be used to describe fire burning brightly and strongly. 6. If someone hits his/her foot against something while walking or running and almost falls, we may say he/she _____ over something. 学生完成练习之后,可应用英汉双解词典验证自己的猜测是否准确,并进一步明确上述词汇的用法,之后完成Exercise B。(图五) B. Complete the following sentences using the words above. 1. An attempt to rescue the men has been _____ by bad weather. 2. Joanna was diagnosed as having _____ bones. 3. The room was warm and cosy, with a fire _____ in the fireplace. 4. In her hurry she _____ over the step and spilled the milk all over the floor. 5. He tried to calm them, but was greeted with shouts of _____. 6. Before setting out for the party, Ann was _____ up and down showing off her finest clothes. 4. 教师根据所选阅读篇目的语言特点从文中提取出以下四组in + (a) n.的搭配形式,让学生应用英汉双解词典中的例句查询功能找到包含以下词组的例句,在例句的释义中体会它们的含义和用法。(图六) in a panic (line 4) _____ in desperation (line 9) _____ in frenzy (line 12)_____ in disgust (line 16) _____ 教师可通过以下翻译和配对练习,帮助学生扩展in + (a) n.这一系列词组的知识构成。学生可使用汉英大词典或英汉双解词典中的惯用语查询功能完成练习。(图七) D. Translate the following phrases in the form of “ in + (a) n.”. Then match them with the expressions on the left. He shouted I must put everything Tom’s room is always The economy is The police were The ancient castle lies I only said it Their marriage is The equipment is The old woman is The once famous writer died David and Marry are 整齐,按顺序 ___ 乱七八糟 ___ 匆忙地 ___ 愤怒地 ___ 开玩笑地 ___ 处于危险中 ___ 陷入困境 ___ 在穷困中 ___ 成为废墟 ___ 健康欠佳 ___ 坠入爱河 ___ 状况良好 ___ 五、教学反思 教学策略正在为越来越多的教师所关注并研究,其中词汇学习策略教学更是一个有益的探索。既然电子辞典能够成为学生学习的有效工具,那么教师就有必要思考如何引导学生正确、有效地将这些功能应用到自主学习中去。 阅读英美文学作品对于提高学生的语言欣赏能力、培养英语语感有着不可低估的作用,而阅读中出现的大量生词往往成为吓倒学生的“拦路虎”。电子辞典的适当应用可帮助他们解决大量自主阅读时遇到的词汇难题。如果教师重视词汇学习策略的指导,学生的词汇学习将更加有效,其阅读活动也会逐渐由被动变为主动。 | ![]() |
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