点评:一支足球队上场比赛时最多有11名队员:center forward(中锋)、wing forward(左、右边锋)、offensive midfielder(前腰)、side midfielder(边前卫)、center midfielder(中前卫)、defensive midfielder(后腰)、side back(边后卫)、center back stopper(中后卫)、center back sweeper(清道夫)及goal keeper(门将)。因此,球迷就自称为“第12名队员”,以示自己支持球队的忠心。这种说法最早起源于美国,很多球队都用这种方式称呼自己的铁杆球迷。(实例:The deafening noise from the crowd with thousands of blaring vuvuzela horns was our 12th man that we need. It’s our weapon. We don’t mind vuvuzelas at all.)
背景:葡萄牙7比0大胜朝鲜,创造了南非世界杯开赛以来的最悬殊比分,全场7个进球也给球迷留下了深刻印象。在英语中,除了用goal表示“进球”之外,其他表示进球的短语有score an own goal(乌龙球)、a goal scored from an offside position(越位进球)、volley the ball into the net(凌空抽射入门)、head the ball into the goal(头球入门)等。在足球赛中,“破门得分”可以用make/score a goal来表达,“射门得分者”称为goal getter,破门得分最高的球员被称为scoring champion/top scorer(得分王)。
点评:upset指比赛中出现的“冷门”,即a situation in which a person or team beats the person or team that was expected to win(被普遍看好的选手或参赛队被对手击败的情形)。(实例:What has been the biggest upset since the start of the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa?)
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