A Slow Song
Music Bureau
The mallow in the garden green in hue
Awaits the sun to dry the morning dew.
The radiant spring spreads its nourishing light;
All living things become then fresh and bright.
I dread the coming of the autumn drear
When leaves turn yellow and red flowers sere.
A hundred streams flow eastwards to the sea.
When to return to the west can they be free?
If one does not make good use of his youth,
In vain will he pass his old age in ruth.
A Long Song
Music Bureau
Sunflowers in the garden green in hue ,
Wait for the sun to dry the morning dew.
The radiant spring spreads its nourishing light
And everything becomes then fresh and bright.
I dread the coming of the autumn drear
When leaves turn yellow and red flowers sear.
Hundreds of streams flow eastwards to the sea.
When to return westwards can they be free?
If one does not make the most of his youth.
In vain will he pass his old age in ruth.
其第二个版本把全诗的最后一句做了处理,成为“How can he not when old, regret in troth! ”
有意思的是,在这前两个版本中,首句“青青园中葵,朝露待日晞”中的“葵”,许渊冲教授译为了sun-flower (向日葵),在第三个版本中将其改译为mallow。
事实上,在以往的汉语书籍中,对于“葵”的解释也存在不一致,在李寅生所著的2013年由国家行政出版社出版的《中国古典诗文精品读本(上册)》第94页注解中,“葵”指向日葵,而在蔡德权所编著的由甘肃教育出版社2012年出版的《小学生必背古诗词75首》第2页注解中,“葵”则指冬葵。Mallow一词,在英汉词典中被解释为汉语“锦葵(属)”。锦葵属共约30种,中国有 4 种。“葵”字的英译用mallow的话,只说明其大类,并未精确指出其种类。(冯宏《<长歌行>英译指瑕及重译》)