当我们走进海伦的教室时,看到班上的学生正围成一个圆圈,海伦也坐在其中。只听见她说:“Now it's Show and Tell time,do you all remember to bring your favorite things here today?Raise your hands.” 海伦前一天让学生们带一件自己最喜欢的东西(如泰迪熊)到教室里来。全班20个学生有19个举起了手,只有一位学生没有带。
接着,海伦对学生们说:“When it is your turn to show and tell, you need to tell the three things:the name of your favorite thing, who gave it to you? Why do you like it so much?"
"This is an electric dinosaur,it is a gift from my grandma. She rewarded me for I did well at home. I not only did homework but also other math work she assigned me. Every time I finished the work she gave me, I got 10 points, and when I got 100 points, I could get a toy or whatever from her. I like the dinosaur very much because I worked hard for it."
Show and Tell活动先从一个名叫罗杰(Roger)的亚裔学生开始,他很流利地说了上面这些话。随后,其他学生一个接一个轮流展示与讲解他们最喜爱的东西。最后,轮到那个忘记带东西来的学生,老师让他自行表演一个动作。于是,他走到圆圈中央,抬起左脚,“金鸡独立”一分钟。
海伦班上发生的“故事”是美国学校里老师们最常开展的课堂活动之一。不论是小学、中学还是高中,其目的都是培养学生们的表现技巧,并为此经常开展各种活动,如诗歌节或诗歌朗诵比赛、讲故事比赛、演讲、舞蹈演出、戏剧或故事的角色扮演等。而最常见的活动便是是“展示与讲解”(Show and Tell)。