教师对学生日志中出现的语法、用词错误一定不要修改。改错会挫伤学生写作的积极性。使得他们在写的过程中产生压力,怕老师又指出什么错误来,从而削弱写作的乐趣。可是,见错不改,老师们常常觉得难受。那就用澄清、转述的方法来给学生以正确的范例。例如使用Do you mean to say ...? 再例如在看到学生写的 "Some of us think we should stay at home, because it takes less, comfortable and convinite" 这样的语句时,教师可以这样反馈:"I agree! Staying at home is comfortable and convenient."或者说,"You have a point there. But I can't agree with you. It may be comfortable and convenient to stay at home in the holidays, but we miss a lot of fun seeing interesting things by traveling to other places. "