1. 中国式英语(Chinglish)处处可见,在学生作文中不乏从汉语句子逐字翻译而来的、遣词造句和表达方式与标准英语用法不符的表达。如:We are difficult to finish all this tonight./ His sick condition is much better.第1句是汉语的直译,问题在于difficult一词使用不当。正确的说法是: It will be difficult for us to finish all this tonight.第2句用汉语可以说“病情好转”,而讲英语时会说 He is much better.
2. 虽然英汉语同属“主+谓+宾”的语言类型,但事实上,主谓结构的句型在英语中占绝对优势,也就是说英语句子主要用“主语+谓语” 结构来表达,十分重视主语的语言,所以几乎每个句子都要出现主语;而汉语则是注重主题的语言;在汉语中只有50%的句子用“主语+谓语”结构表达,还有50%的句子是用主题+述题结构的句子,这也是导致很多学生写出“无主句”的主要原因, 如This year will produce more grain than last year. 可译为“今年将比去年生产更多的粮食” 但英语句子却不能没有主语, 故正确英语表达应该为:They /We will produce more grain this year than last year.
1.汉式思维模式是形象的、直观的,体现在语言上“汉语用词倾向于具体,常常以实际的形式表达抽象的概念,以具体的形象表达抽象的内容”,而英式思维则是概括的、抽象的,体现在语言上,英语倾向于用抽象性概念表达一些具体的事物和现象。但中学生没有意识到这一点,经常出现一些错句,如:We sang some songs and danced some dances last night.在英语表达中只要改成We sang and danced last night. 就好了。
When we choose a new car, we must think about many things. It must be big enough for the number of people we want to carry. It should be fuel efficient. It must not cost more than we can afford. We want a car that looks good. It can be difficult to find the right car.
When we choose a car, we must think about many things. The most important thing is that it must be big enough for the number of people we want to carry. The second most important thing is that it must not cost more than we can afford. Third, it should be fuel efficient. Last, we want a car that looks good. It can be difficult to find the right car.