

口译笔译相结合 英语母语互联系

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    编者按:本期本栏目精选了三例国外教师进行翻译教学的课堂活动实例,启发老师通过组织形式多样的口译、笔译活动来提高学生的翻译能力。  A translation methodology: a cooperative work procedure   Constanza Gerding-Salas  THIS activity is quite useful for the promotion of students’ motivation, productivity and the quality of their work.  Step 1: Select the material to be translated, taking into account the degree of difficulty, the specific knowledge area, the translation problems to be solved and so on.  Step 2: Ask the students to read the whole text at least twice. The first reading will be comprehensive and general so that the students can get acquainted with the topic and understand the original text. For the second reading, importance should be attached to items where translation problems may appear. The students should first underline unknown terms and then mentally confront potential translation difficulties in the text with suitable procedures.  Step 3: Put students into groups and divide the text into as many segments as students in the group. Depending on the degree of difficulty and the length of the text, these segments may be paragraphs, pages or even whole chapters. Each student is assigned a fair portion of the text.  Step 4: If the topic is already quite familiar to the students, they do a preliminary translation. This first approach can be made orally and suggested annotations may be written in the margins. If the topic is completely unknown to the students, they should consult various documentary sources. This allows them to achieve a deeper understanding of the topic.  Step 5: Once the first version is accomplished, the students do a second version of their own translations, handling the most suitable translation strategies and procedures and being faithful to the original text.  Step 6: Each student in turn reads his/her own version of the translated text, making necessary pauses between sentences. The teacher and other students follow the reading attentively. Everybody should feel free to stop the reading at the end of a given sentence and have the reading of the segment repeated when the situation warrants comments, suggestions, questions or contributions. The student has to “defend” his/her works against criticism.  Step 7: During this procedure, the teacher and students need to set up all necessary conventions with regard to the homogeneity of the terms and the coherence and cohesion of the final version.  Step 8: The students, assisted by the teacher, analyze the translation strategies and procedures used, and discuss the reasons taken into account in the choice of each analyzed criterion.  Step 9: The students hand in the final version of their segments, which have already been amended in the light of the whole text.  Step 10: The teacher makes a final revision, gives evaluation and analyzes weaknesses.  这项活动对于提高学生的积极性、创造性和翻译质量非常有效。  第一步:选择一篇翻译材料,要考虑到材料的难度、知识范围以及所涉及的翻译问题等因素。  第二步:学生阅读文章至少两遍。第一遍为泛读,熟悉主题并理解原文。第二遍重点关注涉及翻译难点的部分。学生先划下有难度的词句,然后思考一下解决翻译难点的对策。  第三步:把学生分成若干组并将文章按照每组学生的人数分为若干部分。根据文章的难度和长度,这些部分可以是几段、几页甚至几章文字。每个学生负责文章的一部分。  第四步:如果学生对文章的话题已经比较熟悉,可以先做口头初步翻译并在页边空白处写上注释。如果学生对话题感到陌生,可以让他们参考一些文献以加深对话题内容的理解。  第五步:初译完成后,学生独立写出第二稿翻译,采用恰当的翻译技巧,且忠实于原文。  第六步:每个学生轮流朗读自己的翻译,注意句子间的停顿。老师和其他学生认真听,每一句读完之后可随意打断,提出评论、建议、问题或补充。朗读的学生可以针对批评为自己的翻译作“辩护”。  第七步:在此过程中,老师和学生应当确立规范,统一用词,确保终稿用词的前后一致。  第八步:学生在老师的帮助下分析运用到的翻译技巧,并讨论运用这些技巧的原因。  第九步:学生在全文的基础上修订终稿并交给老师。  第十步:老师定下最终稿,做出评价并分析翻译过程中的薄弱环节。  Multimedia approach for an interpretation class   Izak Morin  THIS activity is strongly recommended for building students’ interpreting capacity.  Step 1: Select short talks both in English and in students’ native language from the VCDs or videos recorded from websites. All of the discourses should be procedural and hortatory. Test the TV monitor or the projector (LCD) set before the class. Prepare an assessment sheet as follows:  
Eye Contact
  Step 2: Set a table with two chairs in front of the classroom. Form the students into pairs. The assessment sheet is distributed to students to assess the performance of their peers.  Step 3:The first part is interpretation from English to students’ native language. Ask one pair of students to sit in front of the classroom. The teacher plays the VCD of an English talk with a pause each time to give chance to the students to interpret. One interprets the interviewer’s talk and the other interprets the interviewee’s.  Step 4: The rest of the students listen, fill in the assessment sheet, and note down particular things to comment on.  Step 5: After the interpretation, the performers should give comments on their peers’ performance. The teacher and other students give comments on the performance regarding strategies and language use.  Step 6: The teacher replays the VCD to check the language used for a discussion and correction.  Step 7: Repeat the process with the second part of native language to English interpretation.  此项活动可以帮助学生锻炼口译能力。  第一步:从VCD或网站视频材料中挑选一些用英语和学生母语表述的简短对话。对话内容应较为程式化且能激励学生。课前检查电视和投影仪等视频设备。准备如下一份测评单:  
Eye Contact
  第二步:在教室前放置一张桌子和两把椅子。将学生分为两人一组。把测评单发给每个学生,用以评估同伴的表现。  第三步:第一部分的口译练习由英语翻译成母语。让两名学生坐在教室前面,老师播放VCD中的英语采访,适时停顿一段时间,让学生翻译,其中一人翻译采访者的话,另一人翻译被采访者的话。  第四步:其他学生认真听,填写测评单,并且记下值得商榷的地方。  第五步:谈话结束后,学生彼此评价对方的表现。老师和其他同学针对做练习者的翻译策略和语言使用做出评论。  第六步:老师重新播放VCD,再次讨论并改进语言的使用。  第七步:重复上述步骤,进行第二部分的母语到英语的口译练习。  A translation technique  Jacqueline Eadie  THE activity shows that translation can be communicative, intellectually challenging, and fun for the whole class.  Step 1: Select two equivalent versions (A and B) of a short text. Prepare a four-column chart as follows:  
Original Acceptable Not too bad Unacceptable
  Step 2: Put students into pairs. Each pair receives a set of A and B versions.  Step 3: The two students of each pair work on the A and B version respectively and translate the texts into their native language. Set a time limit of 10 to 15 minutes.  Step 4: After the translation, collect the originals and ask the students to exchange their versions. The students should not consult their partners on the original text. Ask them to translate the text translated by other students into English.  Step 5: Distribute the original texts and ask the students to find some examples of words and expressions in their translations, which are different from the original texts, and decide where to put them in the chart. If necessary, help the students decide the acceptability of different expressions.  Step 6: Ask each student to select an interesting item and explain to the class why it is acceptable or not. Other students listen to the presenter and ask questions.  Step 7: After the lesson, the teacher holds a “problem clinic” on common errors, which appear in the “unacceptable” column.  此活动说明翻译是一项交流互动的、挑战智力的、生动有趣的课堂活动。  第一步:选择两篇难度相当的短文A和B,并准备如下一个四栏表格。  
Original Acceptable Not too bad Unacceptable
  第二步:将学生每两人分成一组,每组分得A文和B文各一篇。  第三步:每组学生分别将A文和B文翻译成母语,限时10到15分钟完成。  第四步:翻译完成后,将原文收回。学生交换彼此翻译好的A文和B文,不可互相询问原文内容。将对方所译的文章再翻译成英文。  第五步:把A、B原文发给学生,学生找出一些自己译文中和原文不一样的表达方式并思考自己的表达方式可以填入表格中的哪一栏。如有需要,老师可提供帮助。  第六步:每个学生选择一个有趣的表达方式并向全班解释这种表达方式适合或不适合的原因。其他同学认真听并提出问题。  第七步:老师在课后针对学生在“unacceptable”一栏中出现的错误组织一个“问题诊所”。    

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