The fact is that one cloze test can be very different from another cloze test based on the same text. 1) ____ pseudo-random construction procedure guarantees that 2)____ test-writer does not really know 3) ____ is being tested: she simply 4) ____ that if enough cases are ____ 5) a variety of different skills 6) ____ aspect of language use will 7) ____ involved, but inevitably this is 8) ____. Despite the claims of some 9) ____, many cloze items are not 10) ____ to the constraints of discourse 11) ____ much as to the syntactic 12) ____ of the immediately preceding context. 13) ____ depends upon which words are 14) ____, and since the cloze test 15) ____ has not control over the 16) ____ of words she has minimal 17) ____ over what is tested.
Typically, when trying to test overall understanding of the text, a tester will delete those words which seem to carry the 1) ____ ideas, or the cohesive devices that make 2) ____ across texts, including anaphoric references, connectors, and so on. However, the 3) ____ then needs to check, having deleted 4) ____ words, that they are indeed restorable from the remaining 5) ____. It is all too easy for those who know which words have been 6) ____ to believe that they are restorable: it is very hard to put oneself into the shoes of somebody who does not 7) ____ which word was deleted. It therefore makes sense, when 8) ____ such tests, to give the test to a few colleagues or students, to see whether they can indeed 9) ____ the missing words. The hope is that in order to restore such words, students 10) ____ to have understood the main idea, to have made connections across the text, and so on. As a result, testers have a better idea of what they are trying to test, and what students need to do in order to complete the task successfully.
Example 2
Typically, when trying to test overall understanding 1) ____the text, a tester will delete those words 2) ____ seem to carry the main ideas, or 3) ____ cohesive devices that make connections 4) ____ texts, including anaphoric references, connectors, and so 5) ____. However, the tester then needs to check, having deleted key words, that they 6) ____ indeed restorable from the remaining context. It 7) ____ all too easy for those who know 8) ____ words have been deleted to believe 9) ____ they are restorable: it is very hard to put oneself 10) ____ the shoes of somebody who does not know which word 11) ____ deleted. It therefore makes sense, when constructing 12) ____ tests, to give the test to a few colleagues or students, 13) ____ see whether they can indeed restore the missing words. The hope 14) ____ that in order to restore such words, students need to have understood the main idea, to have made connections across the text, 15) ____ so on. As a result, testers have a better idea of what they are trying to test, and what students need to do in order to complete the task successfully.
The following sentences and phrases come from a paragraph in an adventure story. Put them in the correct order. Write the letter of each in the space on the right.
Sentence D comes first in the correct order, so D has been written beside the number 1.
A it was called ‘The Last Waltz’
Bthe street was in total darkness
Cbecause it was one he and Richard had learnt at school
现在有一种比较流行的测试方法,那就是只有两种答案的方法,也就是我们平时所说的“True or False”,这构建起来比较容易。问题是学生即使乱猜,也有50%的正确率,因此有必要增加更多的选择范围。有些考试为了减少猜测的可能性,增加了第三个选项,如“not given in the text”。《新世纪英语》在这方面进行了大胆的尝试,如Unit Three Manners中的 Reading BMoving on to read中有这样的练习:Read the text and decide whether each of the following statements is true (T), false(F), or the information is not given in the text(NI).