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TESOL Quarterly offers mentoring program

THE TESOL Quarterly Editorial Advisory Board offers a mentoring program to support and advise interested novice authors whose work, after going through the full review process, does not meet the criteria for publication in TESOL Quarterly.

This program reflects the journal’s commitment to diversifying its research knowledge while continuing to publish quality scholarly work. It will enable the journal to include authors from diverse locations and nontraditional settings.

During the mentoring process, the author will revise his or her article at least twice. At the conclusion of the mentoring activity, the author will resubmit the article to the editorial office for review. The revised draft will be sent out for anonymous review to different reviewers before a publication decision is made.

The mentors cannot be held responsible for the subsequent (positive or negative) evaluation of the mentored author’s manuscript. They are not involved in the final manuscript evaluation process or the editor’s decision.

Authors whose manuscript has been rejected by TESOL Quarterly and who would like to revise the manuscript for resubmission should contact the TESOL Quarterly office (tesol_quarterly@la.psu.edu) within two months of receiving the editor’s decision letter. Once a request is made, the editorial office will assign a mentor in consultation with the TESOL Quarterly Mentoring Committee. Once the mentor has been assigned, it is the author’s responsibility to contact the mentor.


Website: www.tesol.org

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