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国际世界英语协会(The 14th Conference of the International Association of World Englishes)第14届年会将于12月3日至5日在香港城市大学召开。国际世界英语协会成立于1992年5月,旨在为从事世界英语研究和教学的人士提供交流的平台,其研究重点是不同文化和社会语言学背景对英语造成的影响及产生出的语言变化形式。国际世界英语协会已分别在美国、德国、日本和新加坡等地连续举办过13届年会,这是该协会首次在中国举办会议。


World Englishes and World Languages: Convergence, Enrichment, or Death?


Use of English(es) in various contexts in the 21st century

Diversification/ homogenization of English languages

History and possible prospects of the development of World Englishes Studies

The dialogues between English languages and social, political, cultural and gender discourses

Critical reflections on concepts, definitions and terminologies

Pedagogies of Englishes

The making of (g)local identities through World Englishes

Creativity in Englishes writing in the age of globalization

Hong Kong English(es): Linguistic features, literature and history


Professor Eyamba G. Bokamba, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA(Topic: WE in Africa: Controversies and Identities)

Professor Kingsley Bolton, Stockholm University, Sweden(Topics: World Englishes and International Call Centres, Linguistic and Literary Creativity in Hong Kong and China)

Dr. Stanley van Horn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA(Topic: World Englishes in Business)

Dr. Andrew Moody, University of Macau, Macao SAR(Topic: World Englishes and Pop-Culture: Contexts and Creativity)

Professor Cecil L. Nelson, Indiana State University, USA(Topic: Intelligibility, Hybridity and Discourse)

Professor Rajeshwari Pandharipande, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA(Topic: World Englishes in World Religions)

Professor Jonathan Webster, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR(Topic: World Englishes in World Religions)

Ms. Xu Xi, Vermont College, USA(Topic: Linguistic and Literary Creativity in Hong Kong and China)

Professor Vijay Bhatia, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR(Topic: Concept, Definition, Terminology: Issues)

Professor Andy Kirkpatrick, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong SAR(Topic:“Informations is confusing us” Variation in World Englishes- Implications for the Classroom)

Dr. K.K. Luke, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Professor Ravinder Gargesh, University of Delhi, India

Professor Margie Berns, Purdue University, USA(Topic: World Englishes: Theory and Methodology in the Classroom)

Professor Shikaripur N. Sridhar, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA

Professor Tam Kwok Kan, The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR





Conference E-mail


Conference Secretary

Mr. Ernest Shue-Fung Lam

Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Tel: (852) 3442 6423

Fax: (852) 2788 8706


World Englishes 2008 Conference Secretariat

c/o Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics

City University of Hong Kong

Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon

Hong Kong SAR

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