JALT2008 International Conference (34th Annual International Conference and Educational Materials Exposition)
October 31 — November 3, 2008
National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, Tokyo, Japan
The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)
Shared Identities: Our Interweaving Threads
Plenary speakers
* David Graddol, British applied linguist and Managing Director of The English Company, UK (English and globalization: Today and tomorrow)
* Yuko Goto Butler, associate professor of language and literacy in education, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, US (Myth and reality in foreign language education for young learners)
* Andy Kirkpatrick, professor, Department of English, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China (Variation in world Englishes: Implications for the ELT classroom)
* Teaching foreign language reading fluency
* Developing intercultural competence: Reexamining the goal and role of language education
* Raising language awareness by investigating the linguistic landscape
* What really is fun for children studying EFL?
* Profiling spoken fluency
* Using process writing to nurture successful writers
* Stories: Feeding language learners for life
* Relating culture to the teaching of communication strategies
* Evaluating programs and projects in ELT
* Brain-based learning and the active approach
* Integrating online and classroom activities
* Using online video in the classroom
* Using CMS (Course Management Software) to complement and enhance a traditional text-based syllabus
Pre-registration deadline
October 6, 2008 (postmarked)
Conference fee
* Member: 17,000 Yen (about $160)
* Non-member: 21,000 Yen (about $198)
Tel: 03-3837-1630
Fax: 03-3837-1631
For more information, go to http://jalt.org/conference