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This column introduces findings and posts news releases from world-famous English language teaching, testing and studying organizations in order to inform Chinese readers of developments in English language teaching.

Gillian Porter Ladousse Scholarship offered by IATEFL

THE Gillian Porter Ladousse Scholarship was set up to enable a teacher trainer and/or a trainee to attend the IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) Annual Conference. One or two scholarships are usually awarded each year, one to a trainer and/or one to a trainee. Applications for the scholarships must be made by the end of September.

The sum available for the scholarships will be approximately £400 (about $797). A maximum amount awarded to one member will be £250 (about $498) plus a free conference registration.

All applicants must be individual members of IATEFL. To be considered, applicants are asked to:

* send a brief CV and passport-sized photograph;

* send a brief statement of how attending the IATEFL Annual Conference would benefit them (maximum 1000 words);

* provide a letter of recommendation from an employer, an established member of the profession or a member of IATEFL of at least three years’standing.

Successful applicants will be required to sign a letter committing them to writing an article on how attending the IATEFL Annual Conference affected their programs of work in their local context, to be submitted before the following IATEFL Annual Conference.

The scholarship committee will decide at a meeting in October which of the applicants are to be awarded a scholarship.

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