2009 Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
March 21 — 24, 2009
Denver Marriott Tech Center, Denver, Colorado, US
American Association for Applied Linguistics
Plenary speakers
* Lyle Bachman, professor of applied linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles, US (Real world challenges and opportunities for language assessment)
* Ellen Bialystok, professor of psychology, York University, Canada (Interactions of language processing and cognitive control in bilingualism)
* Guy Cook, professor of education, The Open University, UK (Sweet talking: food, language and democracy)
* Graham Crookes, professor of language, The University of Hawai'i, US (The relevance of SL critical pedagogy)
* Rod Ellis, professor of linguistics, University of Auckland, New Zealand (Second language acquisition: Theory, research and language pedagogy)
* Heidi Hamilton, professor of linguistics, Georgetown University, US (Life as a linguist among clinicians: Learnings from cross-disciplinary collaborations)
* Applied linguistics for a changing world: Connecting research and practice
* Bridging computational and applied linguistics: Implementation challenges and benefits
* Critical issues at the interface between assessment and US language education policy
* Classroom discourse analysis and its pedagogical applications
* Encouraging replication research in applied linguistics and SLA
* Defining and practicing advocacy in applied linguistics