(一)词汇呈现法。在学生掌握了词汇的结构要素(音、形、义)的基础上,教师向学习者呈现词汇的用法,如词汇的搭配、短语、习语等。词汇呈现宜采用直观性、情景性、趣味性策略。为了帮助学习者记忆更多单词,教师可设计多种多样的学习活动,增强学习者学习英语的兴趣。例如,教师可为学生提供30个字母:KNOWESTONEATHATCHAIRSPORTHISIT,然后要求学习者在规定时间内按照字母顺序找出其中所包含的单词,找到最多单词的学生获胜。这组字母包含的单词有:know, no, now, we, west, stone, to, eat, hat, sport, his, sit等等。教师设计此类趣味性的词汇活动有利于激发学习者的兴趣和积极性。
Boss: Xiao Zhang, can you stay behind to finish the task today? We need to hand in the report tomorrow.
Xiao Zhang: I am glad to, but my mother is in hospital and I have to go to take care of her this evening.
Xiao Zhang: Xiao Wang has no assignments this evening. I think he is the best person for it.
Xiao Zhang: I think we can talk to the company and hand in the report a little later.
学生要提升英语阅读水平,必须掌握阅读学习策略(即学习者开展自我阅读提高阅读理解能力的学习方式)。常见的策略有:文本阅读、图示利用、选择注意力、生词处理(词义猜测及生词跳跃)、文本利用(通过but, so, for example等词判断作者的态度或论点)、整体阅读(将语篇看做连贯整体,采取自上而下的处理模式)、信息分析(区分事实信息和观点信息)、结构分析(分析文章结构)。
例如,在讲授SEFC2B Lesson 14 How Newspaper is Produced一课中,笔者进行了这种尝试。首先笔者提出问题: What is on the other side of the river?(根据当地报社不同的位置而设问,引出报社)。再提问:How many departments are there in a newspaper office?让学生列举报社的机构。然后通过提问How do they work together to produce a newspaper?引入课文,让学生查找所需信息,训练学生的阅读能力。学生在阅读过程中,笔者提问:What does the chief editor do? What about the editors, the reporters and photographers?...这类展示型问题一般是教师就具体课文内容提问,答案通常是惟一的,学生可以在课文中找到。在完成课文理解的任务后,笔者让学生讨论出版一份报纸最重要的工作是什么,让学生进行分组讨论,整理出观点。最后设置一个情景:There is an accident in Renmin Street. Ask four students to act as chief editor, editor, reporter and photographer. How do they work togother?以上例子中后面的两类活动内容紧扣课文,既起到复习课文的作用,又富有现实意义,对学生很有挑战性。
例如,在教授人教版高中必修3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating的第一课时,一位教师首先用多媒体播放了一组美味食品的图片,然后说道:It is said everything that runs on the earth and flies in the air is eaten up by Guangdong people.接着,她走到一名学生身边打趣地问: Have you ever eaten a plane?Is it delicious?该生不假思索地回答:Yes.他的回答让全班学生哈哈大笑(从生活引入教学,活跃气氛)。然后,教师安排一胖一瘦两名学生走到讲台前,并关切地问胖同学: What do you often eat? 该生答道: Chicken, pork,beef and fried chips.紧接着,教师又提问瘦同学同样的问题,他回答说:I like vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes and tofu best.然后,教师对全体同学说: Boys and girls, I think there are some diet problems with the two classmates. Could you please give them some advice about how to keep a balanced diet?学生们纷纷举手发表己见(以生活话题调动学生参与活动的热情)。接下来,教师请另外一胖一瘦两位同学走上台,分别扮演两家快餐店的经理——胖经理和瘦经理,以胖对瘦、瘦对胖的配对方式对刚才上台的两位同学作食品营养调配广告,宣传各自的快餐店的“优点”(以生活情景进一步激发学生的学习兴趣)。