Language test affects UK citizenship
英语测试成拦路虎 申请入籍英国人数下降
APPLICATIONS for British citizenship from foreigners have fallen since the government began testing applicants’ English-language levels last year. According to figures released this month, the number of people applying for citizenship dropped 8 per cent to 135,085 last year. “That was a significant change from the 28 per cent increase in 2003. It was primarily due to the introduction of the requirement of English language testing,” a British government spokeswoman said.
Kids really go global with new network
依帕公司将推新项目 中西课堂实现网上对接
EPALS Classroom Exchange, the Internet’s largest collaborative classroom network, will open a Chinese-English Language and Learning Portal in September. It will allow 103,000 global classrooms to connect with Chinese schools in a teacher-supervised online environment. The idea is to match 60,000 English-speaking primary and secondary/K-12 schools in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland with schools in China.
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