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为将蜘蛛赶尽杀绝 不慎放火自毁家园 A GERMAN woman laid waste to her family home by setting fire to it as she tried to kill spiders in her garage with a can of hairspray and a cigarette lighter. Police said that when the aerosol failed to finish them off, the 34-year-old woman tried to burn them with the lighter. However, this set the area she had just sprayed on fire and the blaze spread to a hedge. She tried to put the fire out with a garden hose, but couldn't. Instead her semi-detached house next to the hedge caught fire. It's now uninhabitable. The total cost of the damage stood at well over 100,000 euros. "The family have had to look for somewhere else to stay," the police said. "The spiders are gone though - that problem was solved." 德国一家庭主妇突发奇想,为杀灭车库里的蜘蛛,她同时使用喷发摩丝和打火机,结果不幸酿成火灾,房子被烧成一片废墟。 据警察说,由于喷发摩丝没能把蜘蛛彻底杀死,这位34岁的妇女转而改用打火机烧,然而不妙的是,刚刚喷过摩丝的地方被打火机一下子全部点着,大火迅速蔓延,一直到了树篱处。接着,她试图用水龙带把火扑灭,但火势已无法控制,附近半独立式的房子也被烧着,现在房子已没法再住人,这次火灾造成的经济损失最少有10万欧元。 虽然恼人的蜘蛛被消灭了,但可怜这一家人也不得不另找住处。 毒蜈蚣惊现英国百姓家 AN English expected to find a tiny mouse rustling behind the TV in his apartment. Instead, he found a venomous giant centipede that somehow hitched a ride from South America to Britain. The insect was identified as a Scolopendra gigantean, the world's biggest species of centipede. An entomologist at Britain's Natural History Museum said it was likely that the centipede hitched a ride aboard a freighter, probably with a shipment of fruit. The centipede has front claws that are adapted to deliver venom when it stings, which can lead to a blistering rash, nausea and fever. The sting is rarely life-threatening, but painful. 一英国男子以为家中电视后面是只小鼠滋滋作怪,没想到竟然发现了一只有毒的巨蜈蚣,也不知这只大蜈蚣是怎样从南美洲一路搭便车落户英国的。 经证实,这是世界上最大的一类蜈蚣,学名“秘鲁巨人”。英国自然历史博物馆的昆虫学家说,这只蜈蚣很可能是搭乘运送水果的货船飘洋过海来到这里的。 这类巨蜈蚣蜇人时前爪分泌毒液,被刺者会起水泡疹,感觉恶心,发高烧,尽管感觉疼痛,但极少有生命危险。 上海僧人也来研读MBA ANTAI Management School at Jiaotong University in Shanghai is offering a six-month MBA programme with Buddhist characteristics for harried abbots trying to balance spiritual wealth with the other kind. Eighteen monks and lay Buddhists began classes this week. Wang Fanghua, president of the school said, "They can't live in a void. They must interact with their changing environment." Wang wouldn't reveal the tuition per student, saying it was negotiated with each temple but was less than a regular MBA student would pay. In addition to regular master of business administration courses, the curriculum includes lectures related to temple management, philosophy and religious product marketing. Sun Tzu's ancient "The Art of War" and corporate strategy books are also on the reading list. 除了提高佛学素养外,法师们也有其他精神上的追求。为此,上海交通大学安泰管理学院专门为苦恼的僧人们开设了MBA研修班,学期半年,本周当地近18名僧人和平信徒开始参加培训。管理学院的王方华院长说,“出家弟子也不能生活在真空里,他们必须溶入这个瞬息万变的社会。” 王院长未透漏学费问题,他说就此事已与寺院协商过,比正式的MBA学生缴费要少,除了商业管理外,研修班还增设了寺院管理、哲学和宗教工艺品市场营销等相关课程,另外,《孙子兵法》和企业策略丛书也在阅读书单之列。 --------------------------------- 欢迎加入本报英语俱乐部 本板块为《21世纪报》英语俱乐部专栏,将定期发布俱乐部活动信息,展示俱乐部的特色内容及服务,增进广大读者对《21世纪报》英语俱乐部的了解。 本期我们推出“时文赏析”英汉双语栏目,为大家介绍世界各地的时事趣闻,希望能帮助读者开阔视野、提高英语阅读能力,也希望能给大家带去一些轻松与欢笑。 | ![]() |
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