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本文作者: 21ST
  Before leaving

  * Allow plenty of time to get the relevant visa.

  * Don't pack your passport in your rucksack keep it in your hand luggage with your tickets.

  * Make a photocopy; it will save time if your passport is stolen.

  * Book internal flights or transport before you go, as sometimes discounts are available.

  * Book your hotels.

  * Keep a separate purse of money for emergencies.

  * Read up about your destinations before leaving, so you can enjoy yourself straight away on arrival.

  * Buy a map if you are planning on driving, or a relevant map if you are planning on doing some serious bush walking.

  * Pack as little and lightly as possible.

  * Choose dark or neutral coloured clothing, so any dirt or stains acquired along the way won't be too apparent.

  * Take an extra duffel bag it can be used as a day bag and to bring back a few souvenirs.

  * In case you may want to send postcards, write down some addresses of friends and family in a small adress book.

  * Arrange for diabetic/vegetarian/vegan meals for your flight with your travel agent.

  * Purchase some water purification tablets if you are planning a stop over in a country with suspect water sources.

  * Turn off your gas and (if winter) water, check and lock all windows and doors, make a copy of your eye prescription (if you break your glasses!) and any other vital health information, let your neighbors know you are away and leave them with a set of keys in case of emergency.

  During Journey

  * Try to be as alert as you can.

  * Avoid making long distance calls from your hotel room; it's likely to attract a huge premium.

  * Make sure any taxi you get into is legitimate to avoid any shady goings on.

  * If hiring a car, carefully check it for dents, scratches, etc and insist that the rental company makes a written note to confirm.

  * Check for hazardous currents / tides or dangerous marine life before swimming/surfing etc.

  * Never let a stranger look after your bag they may steal it or put something in there.

  * Find the suitable insurance policy that covers money, medical and activities.


  * Camping/sports towels are extremely small and lightweight, they don't smell and can be packed damp.

  * Shaving oil rather than shaving cream saves valuable storage space and weight.

  * A small first aid kit could be very useful for minor injuries.

  * Swiss army style knives are a good idea for peeling fruit, cutting toenails, etc.

  * A wide brimmed hat or cap can be very useful for preventing sunstroke on very hot days.

  * High factor sun cream will help to minimize the risks of sunburn and skin cancer.

  * Good quality sunglasses will make you look cool and help protect your eyes.

  * Earplugs can be a real 'God send' when there is a loud snorer in your dorm!

  * Headache tablets for hangovers etc.
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