本文作者: 21ST
Filipinos losing their grip on English
A SURVEY by the Philippine Social Weather Station showed that Filipinos' proficiency in English has declined over the last 12 years. The survey showed that 65 per cent of Filipino adults understood spoken and written English, while 48 per cent said they could write English. Some 32 per cent said they spoke English, while 14 per cent said they were not competent in any way when it came to the English language. The Philippine goverment said the survey showed insufficient training in Philippine schools.
Leading English teaching outfit goes online
GLOBALENGLISH, the leading US-based provider of online English learning and services for corporations, announced that its complete family of products for individuals and children is now available at The Personal Learning Service was created for adults who wish to improve both their general and business English skills. The Kids Learning Service was designed for children between the ages of 7 and 12, with a strong emphasis on listening and speaking activities.
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