Bangkok set for Pan-Asian consortium
本文作者: 21ST
Thailand TESOL/Pan-Asian Consortium International Conference: 2007
January 26 to 28, 2007
Bangkok, Thailand
Beyond Boundaries: Teaching English for Global Communication in Asia
*To discuss the relationship between culture and English as a global language;
*To help learners develop language proficiency by making appropriate curriculum and syllabus designs;
*To bring models or standards of language to learning contexts
*ELT professionals from the many Asian countries in which English as a global language is significant, including Thailand, Japan, China, Korea, Far-Eastern Russia, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines;
*ELT professionals from many other parts of the globe to make this a truly global forum
Keynote speaker
Jun Liu, President of TESOL
Plenary and featured speakers
*Frederika Stoller, Associate Professor, English Department, Northern Arizona University, US;
*Dr Annamaria Pinter, the Centre for English Language Teacher Education, the University of Warwick, UK;
*Arunee Wiriyachitra, coordinator of the English language skills team for English majors at the Faculty of Humanities at Chiang Mai University, Thailand;
*Patrick Hafenstein,a veteran ELT teacher for 10 years in both Australia and Taiwan;
*Jerry G. Gebhard,director of Doctoral Studies in Composition & TESOL at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, US
Background Information
In 2007, the Pan-Asian Consortium of English Language Teaching Organizations (PAC) will hold its 6th international conference. The conference will be hosted by Thailand TESOL in Bangkok where, ten years earlier, PAC was inaugurated.
Since 1997, the consortium has continued to grow, and it is on the verge of becoming an even more significant group of ELT organizations with the addition of more new partners.
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