本文作者: 21ST
Five years to change Pakistan's education
巴基斯坦中小学教育改革 用英语教授科学科目
PUPILS in Pakistan's state schools will start learning maths, science and IT in English from this year. This is an ambitious plan to prepare the next generation to participate in the international job market. The plan will be phased into schools across the country with the curriculum supplemented with English language lessons for pupils and teachers. "The major benefit is that in science and technology current materials and research available are all in English," Pakistan's education minister, Javed Ashraf Qazi said. "We are giving ourselves five years for the transformation, but it all depends on the availability of teachers."
Exploring changes in modern Turkey
诺贝尔文学奖揭晓 土耳其作家获奖
THE 54-year-old Turkish author Orhan Pamuk, has won the 2006 Nobel prize for literature. The author's work includes the bestselling novels "Snow" "My Name is Red" and "Istanbul". The Swedish Academy said that "in the quest for the melancholic soul of his native city, he has discovered new symbols for the clash and interlacing of cultures." Pamuk's work, which has achieved both critical and commercial success in Turkey and beyond, examines questions of identity, and explores the transformations of modern Turkish society.
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