本文作者: 编辑 王晓珊
scarf 围巾
shawl 披肩
muffler 头巾
tie 领带
mittens 连指手套
earmuffs 耳罩
girdle 腰带
kneepads 护膝
stockings 长袜
insole 鞋垫
apron 围裙
A: Hi, Lucy! I'd like to go to the clothes shop this afternoon, would you like to go with me?
B: Sure! What kind of clothes do you want to buy?
A: I'd like to buy a red striped dress.
B: I see. But why?
A: I think a red dress makes me passionate and lively. And the vertical stripes could make me look slimmer. Don't you think so?
B: Sure. Let's go!
The word "kimono" in Japanese simply means something to wear. It's made of silk and is usually very expensive. Nowadays it's worn at formal or traditional occasions such as funerals, weddings or tea ceremonies. Putting on a kimono takes some practice. Tying the belt (obi) alone is especially difficult so many people require assistance in doing it.
Wearing a kimono properly includes proper hair style, traditional shoes, socks, underwear, and a small handbag for women. A Japanese woman usually owns only one kimono, typically a furosode kimono, which is worn for the coming of age ceremony on her 19th birthday.
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