突破课本知识教学 寻求听力提高途径
本文作者: 21ST
编者按:英语听力向来为课堂教学的一大难点。教师如不广泛寻找全新多样的素材,丰富课堂活动形式,听力教学就不能达到理想的效果。本栏目精选了三例国外教师提高学生英语听力的教学方案,从利用网络音频、熟悉话题词汇、掌握渐进难度三个方面,探讨了寻求听力提高的有效途径。 Kenneth Beare 要激发学生练习英语听力的热情,听力教师应首先为他们营造真实的交流场景。为此,本文作者将网站上的听力视频引入课堂,使学生能在娱乐中提高听力理解能力。以下是作者运用此方法组织听力教学的具体实例: 1.第一步 教师首先向学生征求意见,通过讨论投票等方式决定听力课所使用练习材料的话题。之后教师上网搜寻相关话题的一段长约20-25分钟的网络视频短片。 2.第二步 教师找到合适的视频后将其保存,将短片观看几遍后罗列出生词、难词并制作出词汇表。同时教师应根据视频内容写出一个内容简介。内容简介中教师应尽量提供详实的信息,以加深学生对视频内容的了解。然后,教师根据短片制作出听力测验题。 3.第三步 教师将打印好的词汇表,内容简介及听力测试题在课堂上发给学生,向学生解释生词、难词的意思,同时给学生梳理一遍内容简介。接着,教师让学生观看视频,如学生要求,教师可重复播放一至两次。此项内容完毕后,教师让学生以小组为单位做听力测验题。如有剩余时间,教师可让学生浏览视频网站寻找自己感兴趣的短片。 4.第四步 教师给学生布置家庭作业,每四个学生为一个小组,小组成员上网搜寻听力视频,并制作出相应的内容简介、词汇表及小测验,提醒学生标明视频所在网站地址。让小组间互相交换视频短片并完成相应的作业。 VIDEO clip sites provide English learners and classes with a new tool to improve listening skills. The real advantage of these sites is that they offer authentic examples of everyday English used by everyday people. Step One The teacher decides on a particular topic that your class would enjoy. You can do this as a poll, take suggestions or choose a topic on your own that fits in well with the curriculum. Before the next lesson begins, go to video websites and search for short videos of about 20 to 25 minutes in length on the topic your class has chosen. Step Two After you’ve found appropriate videos, save them in your browser. Watch each video a few times and create a guide to difficult vocabulary. Write a short introduction to the videos you choose. The more context you provide the better your students will understand the videos they’re going to watch. Put both the short introduction and difficult vocabulary list on a class handout. Make sure to include the web page address of the video. Create a short quiz based on the videos. Step Three Hand out the introduction sheets and go through the introduction and difficult vocabulary list to make sure everyone understands them. Watch the videos together as a class. If you have a computer lab it will be better, as students can pair up and watch videos repeatedly. Students can then work on the quiz sheet in small groups or in pairs. Most likely, your videos will be amusing and students will want to watch many more. If possible, give students 20 minutes or so at the computers to explore similar video websites. Step Four For homework: Put students in groups of four to five and let them find a short video of their own to present to the class. Ask them to provide a short introduction, difficult vocabulary list and follow-up quiz modeled on the worksheet you’ve created for your class. Remind them to include the web page address of the video. Have students exchange worksheets with another group and complete the exercise. Students can then compare notes on the videos. Jeff Leinaweaver 在英语听力教学中,教师往往过于注重答案的对与错,而忽视了对学生听力技巧的训练。本篇文章的作者认为,听力教学应围绕学生对语言推断能力的培养,让学生在不断的练习中揣摩技巧,辨别出材料中涉及到的相关方,最终达到对听力材料的准确理解。 1.第一步 教师找到一段与学生水平相近的听力材料,将材料中话题可能涉及到的相关表达列成词汇表。如果教师选择的是一篇关于航空乘务员的介绍,则词汇表可包括的单词有:机场、飞机、旅游、制服等等。做这样的准备能让学生专注于材料内容,激活学生对听力内容整体架构的理解。 2.第二步 开始听力之前,教师告诉学生此次练习的目的不是在于判断答案的对与错,而是通过有意识的反复练习培养自己的听力技巧。然后,教师将练习材料的话题写在黑板上,鼓励学生尽可能地想出与话题相关的词语表达,引领学生想出教师之前准备词汇表时列出的词汇。 3.第三步 教师播放听力材料,让学生记下听力中涉及到的相关语言项目,完成后让学生将记下的内容与开始听力前讨论出的词汇表达做出对比。将记下的新的词语添加到词汇表中。接着学生与教师讨论自己在听力中遇到的问题,比如听力过程中有哪些相关的表达没听懂、正确的表达是什么、其背景又是什么。讨论完毕教师再次播放听力, 让学生将原先没听懂的表达弄清楚。 OFTEN listening activities are just activities that focus on right or wrong in the answers. The building and cultivation of listening skills may be lost in the process of doing the task itself. The following activity is aimed at constructing solid skills from bottom-up while developing student self-reliance and confidence. This listening activity is not an activity for accuracy, but an element for true practice and listening experimentation. Step One First, find a listening sample that best suits your class size and level. Next, find the language item that is to be focused on and draw a word web of ideas, themes and other topics that can be done by free association. For example, a listening exercise about a flight attendant would create a word web that included: airport, airplane, travel, flying, uniform, intelligent, etc. This is important as it helps to focus the students minds, activating their schematic knowledge. For the teacher, preparing the word web helps elicit a reaction and controls the direction of the task. Step Two Tell the students they are going to do a practice activity where there is no emphasis on right and wrong. They are simply practising their listening skills like they would practise a golf swing or musical instrument through repetition, self-awareness and form. First introduce the listening topic and write it on the board to begin the word web. Have students use free association while you elicit answers and fill in the web. Discuss the topic with students if you need to. Step Three Have students take a piece of paper and prepare to write down the specific language item targeted. Play the listening part two times (more or less depending on level, length of listening and item difficulty). After listening, have students compare what they heard with the word web. New items can be added and discussed as needed. This is also the time for students to discuss problems they had, what expressions appear difficult to them, and what the context of the expression was. Then listen once more to provide closure and wrap up all elements discussed. Summary The ultimate goal of this activity is to sharpen listening skills to pinpoint accuracy without the fear of getting it wrong. The student must be given the opportunity to see progress and lessen the fear of listening activities. It is an activity to be practised over many classes as a brief exercise or lengthy workout. Activating students’ background knowledge via the word webs is crucial because it helps students with learning about language prediction in many circumstances. Miriam Furst, Kelland Elementary 学生在听力练习中的一大障碍是对听力材料中涉及到的纷繁复杂的表达感到无所适从。本文作者建议教师可先让学生练习简单的表达,再一步步在原材料中提高难度,让学生逐渐听懂有一定难度的材料。 1.第一步 教师分给两名学生两张纸,让学生根据指令画图,接着,教师用英语读出一系列指令,比如:“划一条线。接着在这条线旁边再划一条线。把笔挪至第二条线的一端,画一个圈。” 2.第二步 学生完成后,教师将两张纸贴在黑板的两边,让学生讨论两张图的区别。然后,教师启发学生是否应该加一些修饰词使描述更加准确。比如:“应该划多长的线?线是水平的,垂直的,还是斜角的?”等等。 3.第三步 教师让刚才两位学生再次为同学做示范。这次教师将发出更加准确、详细的指令:“从纸正中开始划一条一英尺长的横线。将笔挪至横线开始的点,划一条一英尺长的垂直线。从第二条线结束的点开始,画一个倒挂的‘C’,‘C’的两端开口距离为一英尺。” 4.第四步 诸如此类,教师可逐步提高听力难度,让学生逐渐适应听力中较复杂的一些表达法,使学生的听力在一次次练习中得到提高。 Step One Give one dark coloured marker and two blank papers to each student. Read the following instructions, aloud, pausing after each one:“Draw a short line, Draw another line beside the first line you drew. Put your pencil at the other end of the second line and draw half a circle.” Ask students to follow the instructions as carefully as possible. Step Two After students are finished, post pictures on one half of the chalkboard. Discuss the differences of the drawings on display. Ask students what words or phrases could have been used to draw the picture more accurately. For example, “How long should the line be?” or “Should the line be horizontal, vertical or diagonal? ”, etc. Step Three Ask students to try again. Promise them that you will use clearer language. This time read the following: “Starting in the middle of your paper, draw a horizontal line about one inch long. Place the point of your pencil on the spot where the horizontal line begins, on the left. From that point, draw a vertical line. The vertical line should be about one inch long. Starting where the second line ends, draw a backwards ‘C’ going down. The tips of the backwards ‘C’ should be about one inch apart. Step Four The teacher increases the difficulty little by little, according to the method used above to train students’ adaptability to the relatively difficult phrases and expressions and thus develop their listening skills. | ![]() |
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