不落传统窠臼 语音教学也有新思路
本文作者: 21ST
编者按:学好语音既是掌握语言的基础,也是提高语言整体水平的关键。如若教师一味遵循传统教学法,要求学生反复跟读或机械朗诵,语音教学必将陷入吃力不讨好的尴尬境地。鉴于此,本栏目精选了三例语音教学方案,分别从自编英语绕口令、分辨长短元音、培养重音计时意识三个方面来摸索语音教学的新思路 The tongue twister game Kate Joyce 作为一种老少皆宜的益智类游戏,绕口令可以运用到英语语音教学中,帮助学生更快、更好地掌握难度较大的发音。 第一步: 教师首先用第一语言向学生说绕口令,吸引他们的注意力,同时顺势导入教学内容。 第二步: 教师把英语绕口令写在黑板上,或写在纸上并分发给学生,要求他们大声地念,并要求其逐渐加快语速,每行念三遍。 第三步: 教师要求学生试着自编一个绕口令。教师首先板书以下问题:1)你叫什么名字?2)他或她在做什么?3)什么地方?4)什么时候?5)为什么? 第四步: 教师给出以下指示: (1)要求他们自由分组,5人一组;一位学生首先在空白纸上给出问题1的答案,如Bob; (2)将答纸交给右边的同伴,由他给出第二题的答案,而他的答案必须以前一位学生答案的首字母(即字母B)为开头字母,如bought a bike; (3)然后再传给下一位学生,同样仍以B为开头字母,如birthday,以此类推直至问题答毕; (4)第五位答题的学生将答纸传回第一位答题的学生,由他将这些答案组成完整的绕口令并读出. ALL levels and ages enjoy tongue twisters. They work well as a warm-up to get students speaking, and they help students to practice pronouncing difficult sounds in English. Step One: Ask the students if they have any tongue twisters in their L1. Have a go at saying them yourself. This usually causes a good laugh, and makes the activity more two-way and interactive. Step Two: Write some English tongue twisters on the board or on pieces of paper to distribute to students. Ask them to read the tongue twisters aloud. Then faster. Then three times in a row. Step Three: Now ask the students to have a go at creating their own tongue twisters. This activity is a variation of the famous "consequences game". Write the following questions on the board: (1)Write your first name (2)What did he/she do? (3)Where? (4)When? (5)Why? Step Four: Now give students the following instructions: (1) Get into teams of about five people; (2) On a piece of blank paper write your answer to question 1(e.g. Bob); (3) Pass the paper to the person on your right. Write an answer to question 2 on the paper you have just received. Your answer must begin with the first sound in the person's name (e.g. bought a bike); (4) Pass the paper on again and write an answer to question 3 again using the sound at the beginning of the name; (5) Continue until all the questions have been answered; (6)Pass the paper back to the person who started with it. Read all of the tongue twisters aloud. Some techniques for teaching pronunciation David F. Dalton 有些学生在练习元音时总是拉长了脸,感到不自在,但是每当过了这个阶段,学生便开始愿意张口发音了。语音练习应具有交际功能,学生应对所听内容给出不同的意见。语音练习应当简单、有趣,并注意学生的反应。以下便是作者精心设计的一项语音练习: 第一步: 当教师以听说的方式教授完长短元音的语言点后,便可检查学生的掌握情况及分辨长短元音的能力。教师将10个包含目标音(即长短元音)在内的单词写在黑板上,如port,pit,pat,pert,pet,pot,putt,put,part,peat,并用连续的阿拉伯数字逐个代表每个单词中所含的元音。这些单词唯一的区别在于其元音字母不同。在这一组词中,每个单词必须以相同的辅音开头并结尾。0,3,8,9分别代表长元音,剩下的数字则代表短元音。 第二步: 教师告诉学生将会听到其中一个单词并写下该单词中的元音,然后教师检查学生的完成情况。这一练习能够自然而然地导向对所听内容和易混淆元音的讨论。如果某位学生将教师所念的元音9误听为元音1,那就说明学生将短元音/i/与长元音/i:/混淆在了一起。这时,教师要帮助学生辨别。接着,三四名学生一组,互相反复刚才的练习. 第三步: 教师告诉学生将要听到6个单词,它们包含的元音所代表的数字串对应一个重要的电话号码。接着,教师念出一串单词并问:"我的电话号码是多少?"这时,学生会给出不同的答案。通过这个练习,教师便能注意到哪些学生无法有效地辨别哪些元音,症结在哪里。之后的讨论便可围绕着学生采用何种方法来提高辨别长短元音的技巧而展开,如听英文歌曲、看电影、收听广播等。 第四步: 教师邀请一位学生也给出一串单词,让其他同学说出对应的电话号码。这时,学生给出的答案通常会相左,从而引发激烈的争论,课堂气氛随即活跃起来,当然裁判的角色还是由教师担任。这个练习的目的在于学生能够积极评估自己的发音并思考如何校正错误发音,并且开始注意自己是如何发音的,这对巩固正确发音十分重要。 SOME students do feel embarassed to pull ridiculous faces when practicing vowel sounds but this soon passes and students enjoy the pronunciation. Exercises should be communicative in that they should generate disagreement about what was heard. And exercises should be simple, fun and reactive. Below is one example. Step One : After having taught the students the long and short vowels through listening and oral work, the teacher can check recognition, and ability to discriminate in the following way. The teacher writes ten words containing the target sounds (long and short vowels) on the board. The following is just one possible set:port,pit,pat,pert,pet,pot,putt,put,part,peat.The only difference in sound is that of the vowel. As in these examples, the word should begin and end with the same consonant. 0, 3, 8, and 9 are long vowels and the rest are short. Step Two : The teacher then models each word and individual repetition follows. Then tell the students that they are going to hear one of the words and must write the number which corresponds to the word they hear. What the students have written is then checked.This automatically leads into a discussion of what they heard and what sounds they are confusing. If student X heard 1 when the teacher said 9, he is confusing the short vowel /i/ with the long vowel /i:/. The teacher gives feedback. Two or three words are then presented together and the procedure repeats. Step Three: The teacher then tells the class they are going to hear six words and that the numbers correspond to an important telephone number. The teacher delivers the words and asks:"What's my number?" There will be differences in what was heard. This allows a focus on which sounds are not being discriminated effectively by which students and where their problems lie. Later discussion may revolve around what strategies students may employ to improve their discrimination skills, for example, English songs, minimal pair games with friends, movies, radio, etc. Step Four: Students are invited to model the telephone number. This stage usually generates much discussion and disagreement, which is usually very lively. The teacher is, of course, the final arbiter. The important thing is that the students are thinking actively about their pronunciation and how to repair it if necessary. They also begin to hear themselves and this is of importance in the retention of sounds. Pronunciation- practicing stress and intonation Kenneth Beare 由于受母语发音习惯的影响,许多学生朗读英语时,常常把每个词都说得很清楚,这样往往导致发音不自然。英语是一种"重音计时"语言,强调这一点能有助于校正学生不当的发音习惯。以下教案将通过课堂练习来加强学生对英语作为重音计时语言这一特性的认识。 第一步: 教师大声地向学生念例句。第一遍逐个单词地念;第二遍自然连贯地念。 第二步: 教师让学生比较哪种读法更自然以及原因,并通过他们的回答来解释英语是一种"重音计时"语言。如果学生操"音节计时"语(如中文和西班牙语),教师可以要求他们指出母语和英语之间的区别。强调英语的"重音计时"属性可以显著提高学生的发音。 第三步: 教师在黑板上写下两个例句,并指出由于英语是以"重音计时"的语言,因此读完看似长短不一的两个句子所需的时间却几乎相同。 第四步: 教师要求学生用下划线标注出两个例句中的重读单词,并要求学生大声朗读例句。 BY focusing on the "stress-timed" factor in English, students soon begin sounding much more "authentic" as the cadence of the language begins to ring true. The following lesson focuses on raising awareness of this issue and includes practice. Step One: Begin awareness raising activities by reading an example sentence aloud to the students. Read the sentence the first time pronouncing each word carefully. Read the sentence a second time in natural speech. Step Two: Ask students which reading seems more natural and why it seems more natural. Using the ideas students come up with, explain the idea of English being a "stress-timed" language. If the students speak a syllabic language(e.g.Chinese and Spanish), point out the difference between their own native language and English. Just this awareness-raising can make a dramatic difference in such students' abilities. Step Three: The teacher writes the following two sentences on the board:(1)The beautiful mountain appeared transfixed in the distance.(2)He can come on Sundays as long as he doesn't have to do any homework in the evening. The teacher points out how each sentence seems to be approximately the same length in "stress-time". Step Four: Then ask students to underline the stressed words in both sentences and try reading aloud. |
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