打破传统教学观念 稳步提高听力技巧
本文作者: 21ST
编者按:听力教学一直是英语教学的重点和难点,教师不应仅仅把听力练习停留在答案的对与错上,而是应把教学的重点放在培养学生听力技巧方面。本栏目精选了三例国外教师提高学生英语听力的教案,分别从利用真实对话、熟悉话题词汇和捕捉关键词汇三个方面探讨了提高学生听力技巧的方法。 Active listening activities Kate Joyce 通常学生在进行听力练习时,教师会选用听力磁带或教师讲述作为听力材料。如果把学生之间的真实对话作为听力材料,既可以锻炼学生的口语和听力,又可以增强学生学习英语的信心和兴趣。以下是作者运用此种方法组织听力教学的一些具体活动: 活动一 教师将学生分为两人一组进行对话,要求学生认真倾听并记录下对方所说的话。对话完成后,双方将各自的记录合在一起,这样,一篇完整的对话就完成了。教师可以让学生在全班同学面前表演他们的对话,或者是和其它小组交换成员继续以这种方式练习听力和口语。在活动之前,教师可以给出主题,如:有关假期的话题,有关电影场景的话题等等。 活动二 教师请一位学生到教室前面,其他学生可以向这位同学提出任何问题(只要不是有关隐私的问题就可以)。教师要求学生记录下每一个同学的具体回答情况。当所有的学生都已经被提问过后,教师将学生分为几个小组。这时,教师可以根据刚才学生的回答提出问题,如:玛丽最喜欢吃什么?哪两个人想成为电影明星?知道答案的学生可以举手回答。知道答案最多的小组为最后获胜者。 活动三 教师将学生分为两组,请一位学生到教室前面念一篇文章,然后教师对这篇文章稍加修改后,再请学生念一遍。听出文章改动处最多的组即为获胜者。 STUDENTS are often asked to listen to tapes or to their teacher talking, but it can be just as useful to encourage them to listen to each other in a more active way. Learning to listen to each other more carefully can build their ability and confidence in real-life situations, in which they need to focus on both listening and speaking. The following activities are a fun way of getting students to concentrate more and to remember information. Activity One Ask students to get into pairs to write a dialogue. When student A is speaking, student B should write down what they are saying, and vice versa. When they have finished the conversation, they should check what each other has written and put the two sides of the conversation together. You could then ask students to perform their dialogues again for the rest of the class, or to swap with other pairs. This activity works best if you give students a theme or role-play. Activity Two Ask one student at a time to go to the front of the class. Ask the rest of the class to ask them any questions they like. Try to make a note of some of the answers. When all of the students (or half of the students, if you have a large group) have been interviewed, explain that you are going to hold a quiz about the class. Get the students into small teams and ask them to put their hands up if they know the answer to a question. Award a point to the first team that answers correctly. This game can be a lot of fun, and it encourages students to listen to each other. Activity Three Divide the class into two teams, A and B. Ask one student at a time to come to the front of the class and read aloud a passage which you have chosen, e.g. a story or newspaper article. Then ask them to read it aloud again, but to make some changes. Each time a lie (or change) is read out, the students must stand up. The first team to stand up gets a point. This game requires students to listen carefully and encourages them to remember important information and details. “Tuning In”listening activity Jeff Leinaweaver 在听力教学中,教师往往由于过分重视答案的对与错,而忽视了听力技巧的培养。本文作者主张在活动中注意培养学生的听力技巧,以期达到逐步提高学生听力水平的目的。 第一步 教师找到一篇与学生水平相当的听力材料,将材料中与题目有关的一些表达法列成词汇表。例如,如果听力材料中有一篇有关航空乘务员的介绍,词汇表里就可以包括一些有关航空运输的词汇,如机场、飞机、飞行、旅游等。 第二步 教师向学生介绍这次听力的主题,并把它写在黑板上。教师引导学生发挥想象,要求他们尽可能地说出与这个主题有关的词语表达,并添加到词汇表中。 第三步 教师要求学生每人准备一张纸,用于记录听力中一些关键信息。学生听完两遍听力材料后,教师要求学生将各自的记录与之前讨论得到的一些词汇进行比较,学生可就这一题目进行进一步的讨论。之后,教师再次播放听力材料,完成听力材料中有关内容的讨论。 MANY times listening activities are just that - activities that focus on right or wrong, understood or not. But the building and cultivation of listening skills may be lost in the quest to accomplish the task itself. The following activity is aimed at constructing solid bottom-up skills while developing student self-reliance and confidence. This listening activity is not an activity for accuracy, but a method of true practice and listening experimentation. During the listening task, students will be asked to listen for one specific element only. This can be names, animals, colors, verbs, nouns or lexical sets. This runs on a sliding scale and should be adjusted as skills develop. One word can be extended to small expressions, questions and answers, or words beginning with a specific letter. Step One First, find a listening sample that best suits your class size and level. Next, decide what language item will be focused upon and draw a word web of ideas, themes and other topics that can be free-associated. For example, listening about a flight attendant would create a word web that included - airport, airplane, travel, flying, uniform, intelligent. This is important as it helps to focus the students’ minds, activating their schematic knowledge. Step Two First, introduce the listening topic and write it on the board to begin the word web. Have students free associate while you elicit answers and fill in the web. Step Three Have students get out a piece of paper and prepare to write down the specific language item targeted. Play the listening two times. Then have students compare what they heard with the word web. This is also the time for students to discuss problems they had, what worked and what didn’t. Then listen once more to provide closure and wrap up all elements discussed. Catching up on news Miles Craven 这个活动适用于中等水平的学生,主要目的是为了培养学生在听力中的语言推断能力和揣摩技巧。 1.第一步 在进行听力练习前,教师告诉学生这次他们将要听到一段两位美国人之间的谈话,并要求学生其间不要做任何记录。播放完听力材料后,教师可引导学生说出对话中提及的人名,并把它们写在黑板上。 2.第二步 教师将学生分为两人一组,在黑板上写下几个相关问题要求学生回答。 3.第三步 教师再播放一遍听力材料,这次要求学生捕捉一些更详细的信息,如Anne有哪些关于Dennis,Becky和Kate的消息。之后教师引导学生找到正确答案。 4.第四步 学生再听一遍听力材料,这次教师要求学生寻找对话中每个事件发生的具体时间。每听到一个具体的时间,学生可以举手要求教师暂停播放,然后说出答案。 5.第五步 教师播放最后一遍听力材料,要求学生完成有关的听力试卷。学生的家庭作业可以是按照听力原文,两人一组练习对话或者是准备一个对话进行角色表演。 Step One TELL students they are going to hear a telephone conversation between an American man and woman. Tell them to put their pens down and simply listen. When students are ready, play the recording. Ask students to call out all the names they can remember. Step Two Put students into pairs. Write the questions on the board and tell them to guess the answers. After a few moments, review the answers with the class. Step Three Play the recording again. Explain they should make notes on what news Anne gives about Dennis, Becky and Kate. Give them a few moments to try to remember any information they can, then play the recording. Ask students if they can remember when each of these things happened? Step Four Tell students you will play the recording once more and they must shout ‘Stop!’ when they hear when each thing happened. Step Five Give each student a question sheet and allow them time to read the statements and check their answers. Then play the recording as they listen and check. Put students into pairs and give each pair a copy of the recording script. Tell them to practice the conversation with their partner. | ![]() |
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