开展兴趣阅读 改善教学模式
本文作者: 21ST
编者按:很多教师一直非常关注并致力于提高学生的阅读兴趣,学生对阅读产生了兴趣,就会消除对阅读的恐惧感,进而喜爱上阅读,因此也会大大提高阅读效率。为此,本栏目精选了三例开展多样化阅读的教学方案,分别列举了选取特殊话题、运用辅助材料和虚构特定情境三种生动有趣的方法。 Astrology Jackie McAvoy 读前任务: 教师发给每组学生一份习题并让他们回答三个关于动物的问题,看学生能否辨认出西方十二黄道星座或是将中国的生肖正确排序。然后教师让学生根据习题上的十二项特征描述找出最佳的对应项。 第一项任务: 教师发给每个学生一份材料,并让他们快速阅读之后翻译文后的词组及/或判断作者是否相信占星术,相信的程度有多大。 第二项任务: 教师让学生重读一遍文章并让他们留意表示作者不相信占星术的词语。活动结束后学生可以将答案和另一组进行比较。 第三项任务: 教师让学生再读一遍文章并将他们赞同或是不赞同或是不明白的地方划出来。 读后任务:说 学生以组为单位比较他们划出的部分并交换意见。 读后任务:写和读 教师提出一种假设:现在要在中国的生肖中增加一种动物。然后教师让学生选择增加哪种动物,并想象该属相的人的性格特点。教师应鼓励学生使用本课新学的词汇。 Pre-reading tasks GIVE each pair of students a copy of the worksheet. Ask them to answer three questions about animals. See if they can name the 12 star signs for the Western zodiac, or put the Chinese animals in their correct order. Students then read through the 12 personality descriptions on the worksheet and decide which one describes them the best. First reading tasks Students each receive a copy of the reading. They have to read the text fairly quickly and translate the phrase at the end, and / or decide if the writer believes in astrology and horoscope a lot, a little, or not at all. Second reading tasks Ask students to read the text again and to look for all the words and phrases that show that the writer doesn’t take the information about astrology seriously. Students then continue working on their own. When they have finished they can compare their answers with another pair. Third reading tasks Ask students to read the text again and underline parts that they agree with or disagree with or don’t understand. Post-reading tasks-speaking In pairs students compare their underlined parts and explain their opinions. Post-reading tasks-writing and reading The Chinese have decided to add another animal! Students choose an animal and write an imaginary personality profile for someone born in the year of the cow, dinosaur, penguin…. Encourage students to use the new vocabulary they’ve learnt during this lesson. A fun reading comprehension activity Mehmet Ali Akgün 准备阶段: 教师找一篇能够吸引学生的文章,比如杂志上的笑话、迪士尼宣传册或是任何有意思的材料。注意,打印文章时要留出很大的页边空白。还要准备一把剪刀。 课堂练习: 教师告诉学生将要让他们阅读一篇文章,此时学生可能会抱怨并露出不悦的神情。然后教师拿出事先准备的材料和剪刀,学生此刻会意识到不同之处。教师将材料剪掉一条,这样每行文字的最后一或两个词就会被剪掉。 备选活动: 若教师将文章的最后两、三句话也剪掉的话,可让学生在课后根据想象将文章补充完整。这项活动可在课堂的最后十分钟进行,或者也可用一整节课的时间进行。 总结: 为了完成语言学习的各项任务,教师应该根据具体需要和学生的态度在课堂上尝试做一些必要的改变。 Preparation FIND an interesting text, which you think may appeal to most of your students such as a joke from a magazine, a brochure about Disneyland, or anything that is colorful and fun. Then, type that passage on a page using large margins so that the text itself is not spread from one end to the other but rather it is squeezed into a thin column. Make enough copies to go around and then grab a pair of scissors as you go to class. In class After you tell your students you want them to read a passage and probably after a few groans and long faces here and there, in front of the whole class-now comes the fun part-take out the papers and the scissors. Even the sight of the scissors will signal to the students that they will be doing something different that day. Then, cut along a line so that the last one or two words at the end of each line are cut off. Options A writing component may be added. If you also cut out the last two or three sentences at the end of the passage, you may assign the students to complete the rest at home using their imagination. You may do this activity for 10 minutes at the end of the class time, which allows you to finish up with something fun and wholesome, or you may spend one complete class hour on it for a full-length reading class. Conclusion As with all language learning tasks out there, you must give it a try in your classes before you make the necessary changes according to the specific needs and attitudes of your own students. The spending maze Emma Pathare 这项活动面向中级(或更高)水平的学生,综合了读和说两项内容,是练习使用功能词的极佳方式。教师让学生以组为单位决定如何花费一百万欧元。这项活动可在同一班级多次开展,因为学生会做出各种选择,而且正确答案也不是唯一的。 设置情境: 教师准备一套卡片,在每张卡片中设定一种情境,并给出几种花费的方法。教师将学生分为两到五组并让学生在讨论之后选择一张卡片。这项活动可以班为单位,全班使用一套卡片;也可以组为单位,教师为每组准备一套卡片。 活动说明: 教师让学生根据卡片上给出的选择进行讨论并达成一致,完成一张卡片再进行下一张。最后,教师让学生总结他们所选择的花费方法是否明智。注意,学生根据不同的方法进行讨论是非常必要的,否则,活动会很快就结束并且也无法开展预期的会话练习。 教师的角色: 教师在教室内走动并倾听各组的讨论,必要时可降低讨论的难度。若学生讨论并不积极,教师应问明原因并鼓励他们参与讨论。在开展活动之前,教师应仔细考虑如何分组和怎样才能鼓励学生参与。 提前讲授词汇: 在教授较低水平的学生时,教师提前讲授在活动中会用到的词汇是非常可取的,这使得学生能够在实践的过程中掌握词汇。 提前讲授功能词: 学生能够大胆使用功能词会有利于交谈的进行。在这项活动中,学生会讨论、商量并做出决定,也会争论、反对和改变主意。教师应注意当学生做出上述举动时所用的表达方式并观察学生是否使用了这些表达方式。 THIS is an integrated reading and speaking activity for intermediate (or higher) level students. They make decisions in pairs or groups with the aim of spending one million euros. It is based on a “maze” principle, which gives students different options and a variety of different financial outcomes. There isn’t one “correct” answer, so different groups find themselves spending the money different ways - so you can use the activity several times with the same class. It is an excellent, fun way to practice the “functional” language of agreement and disagreement, suggestion and negotiation, in a genuinely “communicative”activity. Set the context for your students The students have won one million euros and want to spend it in the best possible way. You can set the context by describing the situation, telling an anecdote, showing a picture or posing some discussion questions. I find that students love to talk about their experiences and ambitions - ask them if they have ever won anything and ask them what they would do if they won lots of money. When the context has been established, put the students in groups of two to five. The activity can be run as a whole class activity with you using one set of cards. In each card there is a given situation and several options of how to spend the money. The students ask you for the card they have chosen after each discussion. This works best if there aren’t too many groups, maybe three or four at maximum. You can also run the activity as independent group work, with a set of cards for each group. Explain the activity Students listen to or read what is written on the first card. They must then discuss the different options and come to an agreement about what to do. They then read the next card until they reach a conclusion and find out if they spent the money wisely or not. It is absolutely vital that the students really discuss each option and its possible implications; if they don’t, they will finish very quickly and will not have had the speaking practice that the activity is intended to provide. Your role Walk around and listen to the groups. You may have to help lower levels with the reading. (One of the great things about this activity is that students have a powerful reason to want to understand.) If groups are not really discussing much, ask questions about their reasons for their decisions and prompt them to discuss more. Before you start the activity, think carefully about how to group the students. How can you best encourage speaking? Vocabulary pre-teaching Especially at lower levels, it can be a good idea to pre-teach vocabulary which you know the students will need for the activity. The maze gives them the chance to learn the words by using them. Functional language pre-teaching It can really help the flow of conversation if students are confident in using functional language. In this activity, students will be discussing, negotiating and making decisions. They may also be arguing, disagreeing and changing their minds. Think of the different expressions and structures the students use when they do these things. | ![]() |
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