利用电子辞典 提升词汇教学效果
本文作者: 文/上海市第三女子中学 丁燕婷
引言 随着计算机技术在语言学中的应用,研究者发现,人们在使用英语进行交际时并不仅仅使用单词或固定短语。自然话语中的90%都是由那些半固定的词块结构来实现的。研究还发现,人们对目标语词汇的选择不仅仅取决于语法,更来自于习惯。因而学习者如果能将词的某些常见搭配作为一个整体或者当作一个“词块”来学习、记忆的话,那么他们在用英语进行表达时就不需要费很大力气去构建句子。因此,英语教师如何在教学中为学生提供地道的词语搭配、习惯用语和有用的固定句式直接影响着其语言教学的质量。 在传统的词汇教学中,教师使用的例句往往来自某一本词典,有的教师甚至自己编写例句,而这很难保证例句中语言的真实性和地道性。Casio电子辞典为学生学习地道的“词语搭配”“习惯用语”和“有用的固定句式”提供了一个小型“语料库”。它收录了十余本权威工具书,包括《新牛津英语大辞典》《柯林斯COBUILD英汉双解词典》《牛津英语搭配词典》《牛津同义词大辞典》等。此外,Casio电子辞典的“惯用语查询”“例句集中检索”“多本词典同时查询”“追加查询”等功能,能使学生一键快速、有效地查询到“惯用语”和例句,为词汇教学法的实施创造了条件。 在词汇教学理论的支撑下,华东师范大学外语学院英语系启动了“电子辞典在中学英语教学中的运用”这一探究性教学实验,由华东师范大学外语学院英语系舒运祥教授(上海牛津高中版教材主编)及奚翠华、李晨、张琳老师指导。本报将陆续刊登部分教学案例,供读者学习和参考。 教学案例(一) 1.教学内容: Oxford English (牛津上海版) S1B Unit Two Reading Two Geniuses 1 Many people regard Albert Einstein (1879-1955) as a genius. His attempt to explain the workings of the universe led to the development of nuclear energy. 2 Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity, but this story about him shows that he also had a sense of humour. 3 As a young man with a growing reputation, Einstein received many invitations to explain his theories at different universities. On these trips his driver was always the same — a man called Hans. Hans often said to him, “It’s a pleasure to drive a genius like you, Dr Einstein.” 4 One evening, on their way to a distant university, Einstein said, “I wish I didn’t have to give my lecture tonight, Hans. I’m so tired, but I don’t want to let my audience down.” 5 “You don’t have to give the lecture,” said Hans. “I can give it for you. I’ve listened to your lecture so many times that I’ve learnt it by heart. No one knows you at this university, so they won’t find out.” 6 Einstein agreed with Hans, so they changed places. At the university, Hans was guided to a platform, where he stood surrounded by professors and students. Einstein took a seat in the audience, listened to Hans give his lecture perfectly, and joined in the applause at the end. 7 However, before Hans left the platform, a professor shouted from the audience, “I’d like to ask you a difficult question”; He then asked a question so complex that Hans had no idea what he was talking about. 8 Einstein thought, “Oh no! Now we’re in trouble.” But Hans just laughed and said, “That’s not a difficult question. In fact, it’s so easy that even my driver knows how to answer it. Hans, please...” 9 Einstein stood up and answered the question perfectly. 10 They left the university, with Einstein driving. A little later, Hans offered to drive. “No, my friend,” laughed Einstein. “It’s a pleasure to drive a genius like you, Hans.” 2.教学目标: 本课是该单元的第二课时,重点是文章的词汇和语言点的教学。 在电子辞典未引入课堂之前,语言点的教学主要以教师讲解为主,学生一般都处于比较被动的记笔记的状态。电子辞典的引入使得学生有机会参与到词汇的学习之中,师生间的互动使得枯燥的词汇学习变得活泼起来,对学生逐渐形成良好的英语学习习惯有着积极的意义。 3.教学设备: 卡西欧EW-V2500L电子辞典 在本堂课上主要应用电子辞典的下述功能: *单词查询 *真人发音 *单词跳查 *惯用语查询 *例句集中检索 *多本词典同时查询 *追加查询等 4.教学过程: 见附表。 5.课堂教学片段摘录: 为了使“电子辞典在课堂中的应用”能呈现出一个比较真切的概念,在这里附上这篇课文第二课时部分词汇教学与电子辞典结合的教学案例,抛砖引玉,以供读者参考。此处以文中“perfectly”和“applause”的教学为例: 原文第8段: “...Einstein agreed with Hans, so they changed places. At the university, Hans was guided to a platform, where he stood surrounded by professors and students. Einstein took a seat in the audience, listened to Hans give his lecture perfectly, and joined in the applause at the end...” 在“perfectly”的教学中,教师可通过一系列问题,引导学生应用电子辞典解决问题,找到答案。 T: What’s the adjective of “perfectly”? S: “Perfect”. T: What’s the noun of “perfect”? S: “Perfection”. (查阅“英汉双解词典”)(见图一) T: Pay attention to the pronunciation of this word. S: (通过词典的“发音功能”纠正自己的读音)(见图二) T: How do we say “追求完美” in English? S: Look for perfection. S: Seek perfection. (通过“搭配词典”的查寻能很快找到所需的动词搭配) T: What about “达到完美”? S: Achieve perfection. (还是在“搭配词典”中锁定答案) T: What is the verb of “perfection”? S: “Perfect”. T: Yes. The spelling is the same as the adjective form, but the pronunciation is a little different. Can you figure it out by yourselves? S: (学生通过词典的“发音功能”确定这个单词用作动词时的重音在第二音节,从而纠正自己的读音。) 生词“applause”的教学笔者也设计了层层递进的几个任务,引导学生在师生互动及电子辞典的有效使用中,共同完成教学任务。 1)What’s the English meaning of “applause”? Can you find a synonym in the dictionary? S: “Clapping”. (学生通过查询“英汉双解词典”能迅速找到答案。) (见图三) 2)What part of speech is “applause” in the text? S: It’s an uncountable noun. (还是在“英汉双解词典”中进行学习。) (见图三) 3)Let’s work on some collocation of “applause”: (1)形容词搭配(见图四): 形容掌声之响:loud / deafening / thunderous applause 其它形容词:wild, gentle, warm, polite, enthusiastic 学生可以通过电子辞典中的“搭配词典” 快速有效地完成任务,并且通过对这些常用词汇在与其它单词的大量搭配中加深理解和记忆,也提高了学习的兴趣。如果在这个环节中遇到生词时,教师还可以引导学生运用“单词跳查”功能予以解决,有效地扩大词汇量。 (2)动词搭配(见图五): 赢得掌声: earn / win / receive applause 爆发掌声: break into / burst into applause 在这个过程中,教师还可要求学生进行例句查询,将词和词组放置于一定的语境中进一步体会它们的用法。 在教学实践中,笔者体会到借助电子辞典能帮助学生快捷有效地解决单词的基本构成、与其它词的搭配以及习惯用法,并可将“词块教学”的理念融入其中。在提高学生的英语学习兴趣,养成预习、复习等良好的学习习惯方面也起到了积极作用。 6.引导学生课外使用电子辞典 1)预习:要求学生查寻单词的读音、词性、中英文意思、例句。 2)课外阅读:借助电子辞典阅读校本教材,即每周一期的英语报刊。 3)课后作业:利用辞典提高“中译英”作业的质量。 在实验探索过程中,笔者深刻感受到电子辞典的优势,它外形轻便、查阅快速,学生使用率较高,特别是在课外语言学习过程中,学生使用电子辞典的频率更高。笔者希望借助这个教学辅助工具,结合“词块教学”的理念,能够在提高英语词汇教学有效性的同时,激发学生英语学习的兴趣和积极性,培养其自主学习的能力。 | ![]() |
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