Homework and Phrases for Homework
本文作者: 文/美国新世纪教育中心加拿大分校副校长 张异培(Allen Zhang)
1. The purpose of homework Encourage students to develop the confidence and self-discipline to work on their own. ● Consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding. ● Extend school learning, for example, through additional reading. ● Assists in checking for students’ understanding, so the teacher can re-teach as necessary. ● Sets the stage for the following days’ learning and teaching. ● Give the teacher valuable feedback to monitor student progress. 2. Student’s responsibility for homework ● Maintain a homework assignment notebook or log listing subjects, assignment dates, due dates, and dates when assignments were turned in. ● Complete all homework assignments, neatly, legibly, and accurately and turn in by the due date. ● Make necessary corrections on the returned homework. ● Attempt the assignment independently first, and then seek help, as needed, from parents, teachers, and peers. Phrases for Homework Setting: “The same point comes up in your homework.” 你们可用类似的方法做作业。 You’ll feel a lot more confident about what you just learned when you’ve done your homework. 通过做作业,你们会掌握你们所学的东西。 “If you feel like you need more practice, you can do practice at home by...” 如果你觉得你需要更多的练习,回家后你可以做…… “I think we all need some more practice of that, so for homework...” 我认为我们应做更多这方面的练习,现在我布置作业…… “This is your homework for tonight.” 这是今晚的作业。 “Prepare the next chapter for Monday.” 预习周一要讲的下一章。 “Don’t forget your homework.” 别忘记做作业。 “Take a worksheet as you leave.” 离开之前来取工作纸。 “And the homework is...nothing!” 今天的作业是……没有作业! “Do exercise 10 on page 23 for homework./ Your homework is exercise 10 on page 23.” 今天的作业是 23 页第10 题。 “If anyone needs any extra practice, I suggest doing exercise 11 and 12 as well.” 如果你们想做更多的练习,我建议做11, 12 题。 “There is no homework today.” 今天没有作业。 “If anyone sees Jane, please tell her what the homework is.” 如果有谁看到珍妮,请转告她已经布置的家庭作业。 “I forgot to check the homework./ We didn’t have time to check the homework, so we’ll have to do that next time.” 我忘了检查你们的作业/我们没有时间检查作业,我们下次课检查。 “As you have a long holiday/ a big test coming up, I’m going to give you a bit more homework than usual.” 因为你们将有一个很长的假期/大考,我要给你们布置比平常多一些的作业。 “So, the homework is exercise A. And B. And C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J... Okay, I’m joking. Just exercises A and B.” 你们的作业是 练习题 1、2、 3 4、5、 6、7、8、9、10……开玩笑,只有练习1和 2。 “The people who missed the beginning of the lesson/ the last lesson might also want to do... ” 错过了本次课开头/上一节课的同学要做…… “I told you about your homework earlier, and it is... ?” 我记得我曾告诉过你你的作业是什么,那是…… “Remember the last piece of homework/the last project? Well, I want you to do something like that/ something similar, but... ” 还记得上次的作业/课题吗?我要你们做类似那样的事情。 “Please revise that by doing homework and we’ll use that skill in the test.” 请你们通过作业复习那个问题,我们会在考试中使用此类相关技能。 “This homework is a bit challenging/difficult, so I’ll give you till this time next week to finish it.” 本次作业有点难度,所以我只要你们下周这个时间完成它。 “Contact me if there’s a homework problem you can’t resolve.” 如果你有无法解决的作业问题,可与我联系。 “You are encouraged to discuss the problems with your classmates, but each of you must submit your own homework solutions.” 你可以与同学讨论,但你必须自己解决作业中的问题。 3. Why do teachers check homework? Firstly, we should consider the reasons we check homework. They probably include some or all of the following: ● To see how the students managed with the task set for homework in order to evaluate the students’ progress. ● To give students another opportunity for learning as they make their corrections. Students and parents expect homework to be checked. ● Checked homework provides a correct model for students to look back on when necessary. Phrases for Homework checking and Summarizing: Now I would like to talk about your homework. 我现在想说说作业的情况。 Now, students, let’s check your homework exercise over. 现在我们来检查一下作业。 I found that there are a lot of people who didn’t answer the question 3 correctly. 我发现很多人第三题没做对。 The reason is that some students misunderstood the question. 原因是一些同学错误地理解了题意。 First of all, try to understand the question correctly. 首先,应正确理解题意。 This requires that you carefully read the problem and determine what exactly the problem is asking. 这需要你仔细审题并明确题目是在问什么。 An invaluable aid to understanding a problem is a labeled diagram of the situation presented in the problem. 一个按题意标定了的图形对正确理解问题有很大帮助。 Please review my comments on homework that has been returned. 请看一下我给你们发回的作业下的评语。 Let me know how much time you spent on your homework. 我想要知道以下你们花多少时间做作业。 What is your idea for this question? 关于这道题,你们有何想法? What have you tried so far for this question? 对于这道题,你们都试过了哪些方法? Does this remind you of a problem you’ve seen before or a situation with which you are familiar? 这个是否让你想起你曾经见过或熟悉的情况? How is this problem different? How can we use the approach on the similar problem to solve this one? 这个问题有什么不同?如何用解决类似于这个问题的方法来解答此题? Show me what you have tried. 让我看看你都试了哪些方法。 For this question, I would suggest that you make a diagram to help you analyze it. 对这道题,我建议首先画一个图来帮助你分析。 A picture or diagram of the situation can often clarify the relationships in the problem and suggest a solution. 一个适当的图形会使题目中的各种关系变得清晰并由此得到解决方案。 What if you look for a pattern first? 先尝试找一找规律怎么样? Do you find this homework a little hard? 你觉得这次的作业难吗? You should try to solve the problems on your own before you ask someone else. 在求助别人之前,你应该尝试自己解决问题。 Do your homework when you get it. Do not wait until the last minute. 当老师布置了作业后,你应该马上做。不要等到最后。 Find the old tests, if possible. That’s where you get an idea of the key concepts that will be covered and extra practice doesn’t hurt. 如可能,找到以前的考试题来做。从中你会了解到将来考试中将会出现的要点。多做一些练习会有帮助。 Try and write as neatly as you can. 请保持卷面整洁。 It’s important for the reader of your work to understand what you’re trying to say. 重要的是要让你的读者知道你要说什么。 For more practice, try to solve problems of the same type as the above exercises. 如果要更多的练习,可做与以上练习相类似的题目。 It is not sufficient preparation for quizzes and exams to only solve the 10 problems listed above. 仅仅做以上十道题目对测验和考试是不够的。 Many other such exercises appear in the textbook at the end of each section. 在课本这一部分最后有很多类似这样的练习。 If you stop by during office hours, I can offer specific suggestions. 如果你在办公时间到我这儿,我会给你一些具体的建议。 If you would like further challenges, I recommend trying those problems in section 3. 你如果想做些更有难度的题目,我建议你试一下第三部分。 You can improve your homework scores by submitting corrections: the “Clear” and “Correct” scores will be updated to reflect your corrected work. 你可以通过修改作业中的错误来提高你作业的分数。 Some people made mistakes with Question 5. 有些人第5题做错了。 Your homework is better than usual. You have only a few mistakes. 你的作业比以往好多了,只有几个错误。 Most people had a good idea about how to do this one, given the similarity to problem 7 on the homework. 这道题与作业中的第七题类似,所以大多数人都有好的思路。 Some people made small mistakes in the calculating part, possibly due to time pressure. 可能由于时间的关系,一些人在计算部分上出现了一些失误。 To avoid making a mistake like this, be sure to read the questions very carefully before answering— it is worth spending a couple of minutes to do this. 为避免出现这样的错误,答题前一定要仔细审题—为此花一两分钟是值得的。 Very few people answered this question correctly. This problem was intended to be the most difficult one on the quiz, and if you answered correctly it is a good sign. 没有几个人正确地回答了这个问题。这道题为此测验最难的一道题。如果你做对了,证明你的程度很好。 Very few students solved this question correctly. It is a very simple application question, using two formulas from the text. 做对这个题目的人很少。这是一个简单的应用题,要用到书中的两个公式。 Many students went on the wrong track when they attempted this problem. Also, many failed to appreciate the relationship between...and... 很多人在做这道题时思路错误。而且很多人没有理解……和…… 的关系。 Until you know what it means and how to use it, you cannot rely on it. 除非你知道它是什么意思,如何使用,否则你不能依靠它。 In any case, whenever you use software, you need to perform some simple checks. 在任何情况下,当使用软件时,你需要做些简单的检查。 Some of the solutions were not complete. You need to describe the analysis that was performed. In particular for this case, you should... 一些题目的解法不完整。你需要描述分析过程。对这个具体事例,你应该…… You can play the guessing and checking game. In many problems, we can try different numbers, check our results and then improve your guess. 你可以运用猜测检验的策略。很多问题我们都可通过尝试不同的数值并检验其结果,然后逐步改进猜测。 | ![]() |
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