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编者按:由北京师范大学外文学院外语教育与教师教育研究所主办的首届英语教师教育高峰论坛近期在北京师范大学成功举办。本次论坛旨在推动我国英语教师教育的改革与发展,探索新形势下英语教师专业发展的有效途径。论坛特邀7位国内外语言教师教育领域的著名学者做主旨发言,并组织工作坊让与会代表与专家进行深入的互动交流。本版特刊登主旨发言人的发言摘要,以飨读者。 题目:In pursuit of ambitious teaching: Insights from inside and outside teacher education 发言人:Judith Warren Little,美国加州大学伯克利分校教育研究生院教授、院长 摘要:This talk begins with a vision of the world that our children will inhabit in the 21st century, and the kind of ambitious teaching that will be required to prepare children to thrive in a world that presents complex social, economic, and environmental challenges. I provide brief examples of the creative and important work that young people can be supported to do, within and across cultures, demonstrating a command of multiple literacies. I then pose the question of how teachers might be prepared for that kind of ambitious teaching, and what we might contribute by the kind of innovation and research we pursue. The remainder of the talk is organized in three main parts. First, I focus on advances in preservice teacher education that represents a nuanced conception of teaching practice, an appreciation of its complexities, and a strategic approach to teacher education design and pedagogy. Second, I ask what lessons for teacher education we might derive from research on professional education in other fields, ranging from medicine and nursing to engineering and law enforcement. Third, I argue that the advances in teacher education and the insights derived from other professional fields underscore the importance of a robust professional community whose members have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to delve into significant problems of practice as they arise. The talk closes by considering what we might learn from and with one another through international investigations and collaboration. 题目:Reconstructing the system of modern teacher education in China and on the reconstruction of English language teacher education system 发言人:朱旭东,北京师范大学教育学部教授、教师教育研究所所长、博士生导师 摘要:Based on the objectives of China’s National Plan for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020) and to construct “a teacher-college-oriented and comprehensive-university-involved open teacher education system”, this talk interprets some major concepts related to China’s modern teacher education system and analyzes the basis for constructing an open modern teacher education system. This system bears not only the features of high-quality, fairness and high efficacy, but also the characteristics of being professional, humanistic, holistic and practical. It is a system of openness and flexibility. With the above features fully explored, the talk further addresses the issues of systemic re-construction and suggests that, a multi-mode and multi-level EFL teacher education system be set up to meet the diversified needs of Chinese EFL teachers. 题目:Judging professionalism in professional education: what do we need to know and why do we need to know it? 发言人:Jean McNiff,英国约克圣约翰大学教育研究教授 摘要:This presentation raises questions about how professionalism in professional education may be judged. This in turn raises questions about what criteria and standards are appropriate for judging quality in practice; who is qualified to make these judgements; how this positions different participants in the relationship; and what kind of relationship may be developed. These issues are centrally important for current debates about how professional education across the professions, including teachers?professional education may contribute to improving practices for all parties in the encounter. Drawing on evidence from existing research, across a range of professional settings, it is suggested that dialogical forms are needed throughout professional education practices to ensure ongoing improvement in practice and judgement for all, while a transformational epistemology of practice is needed for most adequately theorising what is known, how this knowledge may be used, and why it is important. 题目:Supporting self-study of teaching and learning for professional growth 发言人:Anastasia P. Samaras,美国乔治梅森大学教育研究生院教授 摘要:揟he birth of the self-study in teacher education movement around 1990 has been probably the single most significant development ever in the field of teacher education research?(Zeichner, 1999). Come join in with others interested in improving their scholarship of teaching by studying their practice. Learn about the outgrowth of this new paradigm and its utility to your personal, professional, and/or program development. Gain insight into how a systematic inquiry based on personal experience methods impacts your thinking and development as a teacher. Consider an inquiry driven from your questions situated in your particular teaching context. The self-study of teaching methodology is particularly useful to teachers?professional development portfolios requiring evidenced-based data and reflection of teaching performance. This workshop is applicable to all teachers and professors regardless of discipline and years of experience. 题目:Teacher research for the professional development of language teachers 发言人 :Sarah Warshauer Freedman,美国加州大学伯克利分校教育研究生院教授 摘要 :I will discuss how teacher research in China, as in the United States, can contribute to language teachers?growth and development across their careers, in their work with their students and in their contributions to their professions. As a foundational, career-long practice, teacher research can promote deep reflection about complex problems, show language teachers ways to gain control of their everyday work through seeing their successes and their challenges, help them make good decisions about what practices will best help their students learn, and position them to be lifelong learners about their subject matter and their students. I will focus on three teacher career phases with different affordances for developing a reflective disposition: pre-service education, induction of beginning teachers, and ongoing education for experienced teachers. I will consider how teacher researchers create a reciprocal professional space, in which the profession itself has an opportunity to advance in new ways. 题目:From a language teacher to a teacher educator - What knowledge base is needed? 发言人:王蔷,北京师范大学外国语言文学学院教授、博士生导师 摘要:As research into who teacher educators are and what they have to be, to do or to know has been much neglected and what teacher educators teach and how they teach are believed to constitute the very knowledge base of teacher education, this talk tries to address two questions: (1) What is it that a teacher educator needs to know and how has he/she come to know it? (2) How do language teacher educators view the difference between a language teacher and a language teacher educator? The two questions will be explored from two perspectives. The first involves my own experience being a language teacher and then a language teacher educator. Secondly, I will summarize the views by seven other teacher educators on whether they think there are similarities or differences between the two roles and how they have developed their knowledge as a teacher educator. 题目:The global challenge of building quality in classroom English teaching 发言人:Donald Freeman,美国密西根大学教育学院教授 摘要:The social and economic access provided by English is creating a global impetus to expand instruction. This expansion has made improving the quality of English teaching a national priority in public-sector education in many national contexts. However, the challenges of delivering professional development to pre- and in-service teachers to improve the quality of classroom instruction are enormous. This talk examines the core issues involved in building quality in classroom English teaching. The talk is organized around four questions: (1) What are the premises on which we have defined ‘quality’? (2) How do we understand ‘improvement’? (3) What ‘outcomes’ are we seeking? And (4) What do we know about the design of pre- and in-service teacher education that can lead to ‘improving these outcomes’. I want to outline key elements that respond to these questions. | ![]() |
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