除发挥自身的特长外,教师还可以利用一分钟左右的英语笑话、谜语来打破沉闷的课堂气氛,同时培养学生用英语思考的能力。比如,通过谜语:I have a neck, but no head, arms but no hands, waist but no legs. (谜底:T-shirt),学生会恍然大悟,原来neck, arms, legs, waist等表示人体部位的单词,还可表示衣服的相应部位: 领口、袖子、裤腿、腰部等。
再如,下面一则谜语能帮助学生了解英语“一词多义”现象:Why is a room empty when it is filled with married people? (答案:Because there's not a single person in it.)这个回答将英语单词 “single” 的两个含义 (“仅一个的”和“单身的” )巧妙地结合在一起。
类似“脑筋急转弯”的英语游戏也能帮助学生拓展思维,例如teaser: Eugenia drove her car from her hometown of Eugene, Oregon, to Eustis, Florida. She had a flat tire for the entire trip, but she never knew it. How is this possible? (答案:Eugene's flat was on the spare tire in her trunk.)回答这个问题时,教师可以鼓励学生通过辩正的逻辑思维得出结论。
此外,教师还可以组织学生进行绕口令比赛,如:Fried French fries fresh from France fit for fifty-five families. 这样的绕口令不仅能锻炼学生的口语,也可改善沉闷的课堂气氛。