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How do you spell Ukraine's capital?

  美国政府改“基辅”拼写 适应当地发音习惯

  THE United States government has changed the spelling of Ukraine's capital to Kyiv from Kiev this month, the Associated Press has reported. About half of Ukraine's population of 47 million are Russian speakers, and Kiev is the Russian spelling. Tom Casey, a State Department spokesman said the decision was more in keeping with how Ukrainians themselves pronounce the name of their capital. He said international organizations such as United Nations already are using the spelling "Kyiv". Casey explained that there is a US Board of Geographic Names to establish uniform geographic name usage throughout the US federal government.

Canadian Indians in World War I

  加拿大小说新书奖揭晓 一战题材小说获奖

  "THREE Day Road," Canadian author Joseph Boyden's acclaimed tale of Cree (Indian) snipers during the First World War, has won the annual Canadian First Novel Award. The prize is open to Canadian writers whose first novels were published the previous year. "Three Day Road" is a journey between life and death. It tells the story of two Cree men who become snipers for a Canadian battalion in World War I. Boyden's novel has already received bunch of awards. It was chosen as a selection on NBC's "Today Show" book club and a fiction finalist for last year's Canadian Governor General's Literary Awards.

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