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  David Tool:中文名杜大卫,南加利福尼亚大学教授。1991至1993年,在兰州大学任教。2001年至今在北京第二外国语学院任职。


  LAST time I told you some ways to help Lao Wai enjoy opera. Many young Chinese people think they do not like Chinese opera. Now let me tell you how I got hundreds of young people to learn to enjoy it.

  One of my Chinese friends was going to invite an opera troupe(剧团) to perform some scenes from San Cha Kou(三岔口). One of the most popular scenes is where the innkeeper(客栈掌柜)fights with General(将军) Ren Tanghui(任堂惠) in the dark. When I told my students about the scene, most of them thought it was boring.

  I was sorry to hear that. So I told all my 270 students that they must attend the opera, otherwise(否则) I would reduce(减少) their grades by one point. I also told them that they must write a short article about the performance.

  On the day of the performance, 260 of my students went to see the opera and they enjoyed it immensely(非常). A very popular and beautiful young student from the neighboring university also preformed arias(唱段) from two other operas. She had been in some popular singing contests on campus and she was famous to many of my students. The young men were amazed that such a beautiful and talented young woman also enjoyed singing Chinese opera.

  In their articles, most of the students said that they had really enjoyed the performances, and that they would like to go to see other operas.

  (to be continued)


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