近年来,多媒体因其容量大、呈现形式丰富、表现力强而被广泛地运用到课堂教学中,从而使课堂气氛更加活跃生动,教授的内容更加直观,课堂效益显著提高。比如教授人教版高二英语第13单元“the Water Planet”时,笔者就利用图画和声音刺激学生的想象:首先,在屏幕上展示一张从外太空拍摄的地球表面图,给学生构建一个总体形象,并引导学生描述地球的颜色、形状和运动轨迹等;接着,播放有关水能作用的视频,并组织学生结合生活体验讨论水的用途。通过观看和讨论,学生深刻认识到水对人类的重要意义,这就为课文学习做了准备。
2.有目的地从阅读材料中精选例句,传授一些基本的句式分析方法。比如“剥笋法”,就是把从句从主句中抽离出来构成独立的句子,如此一来,一个复杂的句子就成了几个简单句,便于学生理解。以下面句子为例:“I have written in my book that this country has many hills, whose tops spread out into green fields, upon which great numbers of sheep are fed. ”分析如下:这个长句中包含了一个由that 引出的宾语从句和两个分别由whose 和which 引出的定语从句。因而把他们从主句中挑出来成为四个句子:(1)I have written a book about the country.(2)This country has many hills.(3)The top of these hills spread out into green fields.(4)Great numbers of sheep are fed upon the hills.如此一来,句意一目了然。
略读要求快速扫视全文,抓住与题目对应的关键词、句,适用于排序题和细节判断题。如人教版高一英语第六单元的课文“Table Manner At a Dinner Party” 后面有一道题“In what order will the following dishes be served at a Western party? Please number them, Dessert—drinks —main course— starter— soup.”学生只需在文中快速找出这些词,编上序号,问题便迎刃而解了。
考试中经常出现生词,学生应学会借助上下文、词汇的构成方式和常识来推断词义。如“Some people become vegetarians because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or because they think they should not kill animals for food. ”这句话,根据句中给出的两个原因,可猜出“vegetarian”指“素食主义者”。又如“To do the experiment, you need four things: a kite, a key, some real bad weather and a condenser to store electricity.”学生通过分析不定式可以推出“condenser”指 “电容”。