BBC has began providing a range of English learning programs as free downloadable podcasts recently. The fun weekly programs “How to...”“Grammar Challenge” and “Talk about English” are now available in bite-size formats to show students how to tackle tricky aspects of the English language. In addition to audio programs and downloadable transcripts, each unit is accompanied by various practice activities and wraps up with a consolidation quiz. All programs can be accessed via
Burying some distasteful words
BLACK activists in America recently held a mock funeral to mark the demise of the hated racist slur known as the “N-word”, e.g. “nigger”. And they have begun campaigning to purge the much-used “B-word”, e.g. “ bitch”, from the language. The battle over insults is part of a wider culture war sparked by the spread of hip-hop music, with its obscenity laced lyrics. Twenty of the fifty-one New York city council members have signed the proposed ban.