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Unit 3 Paper(纸)



In this unit, you will:

1. learn the basic science terms of many kinds of paper.

2. learn how paper is made.

3. learn what we can do with paper.

Section III Bilingual language you might use in your Science classroom

1. Observe a piece of white paper. (观察一张白纸。)

2. Describe the features of this piece of paper. (观察这张纸的特点。)

3. Compare different kinds of paper. (比较不同的纸)

4. What’s the difference between them? (他们有什么不同?)

5. Touch the paper and feel its thickness. ( 摸摸纸的厚薄)

6. How many pages are there in a book? (看看书有几页)

7. Measure the thickness of a book with a ruler.


8. Which book’s paper is thicker?


9. Which book’s paper is thinner? (哪本书的纸比较薄?)

10. Observe the fiber of a piece of paper inside the book. (观察纸的纤维)

11. Rip off a piece of paper and observe its edge.


12. Knead the half piece of the paper you have ripped off and spread it out. (把撕下的纸揉成团,再把纸团展开)

13. Observe the surface of the paper with a magnifying glass.


14. Let’s make a piece of paper. (让我们来造一张纸)

15. Dip a piece of napkin into the water and knead it, then put it into a glass. (把一小块纸巾浸湿,揉成团,放在杯里)

16. Pour some water into the glass. (在杯里加点水)

17. Pour some more water and stir it into pulp. (再加点水,搅拌成纸浆)

18. Pour the paper pulp onto the cotton cloth. (把稀纸浆倒在棉布上)

19. Sop up the water with the towel. (用毛巾吸干水)

20. What’s that on the cloth? (棉布上有什么?)

21. Is it a piece of paper that can be torn off? (是张可以揭下来的纸吗?)

22. Observe different kinds of paper products. (观察不同种类的纸)

23. Collect different kinds of paper. (收集各种纸样)

24. Study the paper with different uses. (研究不同用途的纸)

25. Expressions:

paper’s water absorption. (吸水的性能)

paper’s tactility (承受拉伸的性能)

paper’s flexibility (承受弯曲的性能)

26. Make a paper car. (做一辆纸车)

27. The paper car is made up of three parts. (这辆纸车由三部分组成)

28. What paper will you use? (用什么纸做?)

29. How far can the car move? (试试纸车能跑多远?)

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