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Unit 4 Numbers from 6 to 10

导语:本课内容包含一年级上册6课,主要教授数字6-10 和加减法。


To recognize numbers from 6 to 10

To learn the meanings of plus, and, add, to, is, make,equal,

be equal to, minus, subtract

Section I Warm-up

How much is two plus eight? (2+8=?)

Addition:Five plus three is eight. (5+3=8)

How much is nine minus two? (9-2=?)

Subtraction: Seven minus one is six. (7-1=6)

Section II Language you might use in your math


1.Let’s compare (比一比)

Six apples equal six bananas. (6个苹果 = 6个香蕉)

Seven is greater than six. (7 > 6)

Six is less than ten. (6 <10)

2.Let’s count (数一数)

Count from the left to the sixth goldfish bowl.

How many fish are there in it ?


Which goldfish bowl has six fish?



Two and four is six. (2 + 4等于6;2和4的和是6)

Five and five is ten. (5+ 5等于10;5和5的和是10)

4.Addition (加法)

How much is two plus seven? (2 + 7 = ?)

Two plus seven is nine. ( 2 + 7 = 9)

Two and seven is equal to nine. (2 + 7 = 9)

Two and seven make nine. (2 + 7 = 9)

Two added to seven equals nine. (2 + 7 = 9)

5.Subtraction (减法)

How much is nine minus two? (9-2=?)

Nine minus two is seven. (9-2=7 )

Subtract two from nine, you get seven. (9-2=7)

6.Add continuously, Subtract continuously (连加、连减)

Five plus two, plus one is eight (5+2+1=8)

Four plus two, plus three is equal to nine. (4+2+3=9)

Eight minus two, minus two is four. (8-2-2=4)

7.Mixture of addition and subtraction (加减混合)

Four plus three, minus two is five. (4+3-2=5)

Four minus two, plus three is five. (4-2+3=5)

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