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Astro Boy

Director: David Bowers

Writers: Osamu Tezuka (comic series), Timothy Harris (screenplay)

Genre: Animation | Family | Sci-Fi

Release Date: October 23, 2009 (China)


Set in the futuristic Metro City, Astro Boy is about a young robot with incredible powers created by a brilliant scientist in the image of the son he has lost. Unable to fulfill the grieving man’s expectations, Astro Boy embarks on a journey in search of acceptance, experiencing betrayal and a netherworld of robot gladiators, before he returns to save Metro City and reconcile with the father who had rejected him.


ASTRO Boy is a much loved character that originated in a Japanese comic book back in 1951 and has since been the star of several television series both in Japan and America. His big screen debut is sure to impress old and new fans alike. It’s an exciting, heart warming story with humour, splendid visual effects and a big-name Hollywood voice cast.

The central premise of a father’s love for his son is the glue that keeps this endearing story together. There’s also the conflict between the blue and red core energy, symbolizing good and evil, and the intangible element of humanity that the robotic Astro Boy embodies. But all these elements are delivered effortlessly as part of the adventure in which we partake.

Louise Keller, UrbanCinefile.com.au

THE storyline is full of imagination and adventure, and should prove entertaining to a wide age group for the most part. Many of the themes of the story are quite similar to the original, but this is still a brand new story with new life in it. Astro Boy is science fiction, adventure, and all sorts of enjoyable genres wrapped into one big package. It’s involving and classic, and a great revamp of a favorite character from many of our childhoods.

Scott Campbell, activeAnime.com

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