

Module 2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics

作者:授课教师:深圳市宝安高级中学 廖苏珊
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I. Teaching aims:

1. Language skills:

(1) Develop reading ability as well as language ability through skimming, scanning and detailed reading.

(2) Develop retelling ability by using main information acquired during detailed reading.

(3) Learn and understand how the passage is organized.

2. Language knowledge:

Study the attributive clause.

3. Emotions and attitudes:

Students will understand the definition and classification of cultural relics, know how to protect cultural sites and realize the importance of protecting them.

4. Learning strategies:

(1) Describe pictures, fill in the charts, and improve fast reading and intensive reading abilities;

(2) Discuss the topic of cultural relics, and develop communicative strategies;

(3) Analyze the course of learning and study difficulties to form adjustment strategy.

II. Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming up and Pre-reading

1. Guessing game:

Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions, the first letter given. (Show pictures to the students)

(1) It is a piece of a______.

(2) The diamond is v______.

(3) The movie is about a m______. The story is m______.

(4) They are c________ r______ found recently in Hohhot.

2. What is a cultural relic?

A cultural relic is something that has survived for a ____(long; short) time; and it’s often a part of something ____ (old; new) that has remained while the rest of it has been destroyed; it tells people about the _____.(future; past)

Design: This step is designed to help students learn some new key words for the reading.

Step 2: Skimming

1. The passage is organized in the order of _____.

2. What type of writing is it?

A. exposition (说明文)

B. argumentation (议论文)

C. narration (记叙文)

Design: This process allows the students to get a general idea of the reading passage, including the organization and the writing style.

Step 3: Scanning

Match the main idea for each paragraph. (图一)

Step 4: Detailed reading

1. Group Work: Every group is assigned one of the four tasks. After reading, groups gather to share their work.

Group 1: Determine the Timeline.

1716 Frederick WilliamⅠgave the Amber Room to Peter the Great as______.

1770 CatherineⅡadded ______ to the Amber Room.

1941 The Nazi German army ______the Amber Room.

2003 The ______of the Amber Room was completed.

Group 2: The introduction to the Amber Room (Para 1)(图二)

Group 3: What happened to the Amber Room? (Para 2, 3)(图三)

Group 4: Mark the following sentences true or false, and correct the false ones. (Para 4, 5)

(1) In 1941, Germany and France were at war.

(2) The Russians didn’t remove the Amber Room, but they took away the furniture and small art objects.

(3) 10,000 pieces of the room were put inside 7 wooden boxes and put on a train to Knigsberg.

(4) The new Amber Room doesn’t look like the old one.

(5) 2003 was the 300th birthday of the city of St Petersburg.

Design: gradually develop the students’ reading abilities. Group work helps them to build cooperating skills.

Step 5: Class Vote

Who will you choose among your classmates to be a special envoy for cultural relics protection? The chosen special envoy is asked to express him/her ideas about cultural relics protection.

Design: All the students have a chance to use what they have learned to express themselves properly.

Step 6: Assignments

1. Retell the text.

2. Write an introduction to one of the cultural relics in or outside of our country in about 200 words.

Design: This assignment allows the students to consolidate what they have learned during the class.


深圳市宝安区教育科学研究培训中心教研室 刘秋云





此外,教师采取各种手段实现阅读教学目标,从头至尾围绕“读”的教学活动进行,符合阅读教学原则。Step 2至Step 4的过程针对高考能力的培养、体现了阅读教学的功能和策略,Step 6投票选举文物保护特使并发表感言的课堂活动激励学生全员参与,培养学生自主、探究、合作、竞争精神和集体主义精神。

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