本文作者: 21ST
Laughing loud helps reduce weight
IF you want to burn a few extra calories, laugh.
It’s no match for running, cycling or pumping iron but scientists said laughing out loud for 10-15 minutes a day burns 10-40 calories, the amount in a small piece of chocolate, depending on a person’s body weight.
“We calculated that this is equal to 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) a year if you do it every day,” Dr Maciej Buchowski, of Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, told an obesity conference.
Laughing makes people feel good and has been described as the best medicine.
美国田纳西州纳什维尔范德堡大学医学中心的博士Maciej Buchowski在一次肥胖大会上说,“如果你每天都能坚持的话,那么你一年就会减掉2千克的体重(4.4磅)。
Germany gets first mobile phone throwing championships
GERMANY will hold the country’s first mobile phone throwing championships later this month. At least 160 competitors are expected to take part in the contest in Bielefeld, on June 25, with the winners qualifying for the world championships in Finland in August.
The organiser of the German event, Virpi Staar, said on June 2: “People often get annoyed with their mobile phones and want to chuck them as far as they can. Now is their chance.”
The “competition” phones must weigh between 200 and 400 grammes.
“Opinions differ on which brands and what weight is best for throwing,” Staar said.
The German competitors have some way to go to beat the world record which currently stands at 82.55 metres (271 feet).
本次德国赛事的组织者Virpi Staar6月2日说:“人们经常被手机弄得很烦,因此会有一种把它们扔掉的想法,扔的越远越好。现在机会来了。”
Angry Israeli husband burns fortune in cash on front lawn
AN Israeli man angry with his wife over money matters set fire to three million shekels (680,000 dollars) on the lawn of his affluent suburban home.
After reaching the end of his tether in the marital spat, he had opened the family safe, taken out fistful of bank notes, stuffed them in sacks and dragged them outside, said the online edition of Yediot Aharonot.
“In 36 years, I have seen nothing like it,” one fireman said.
The firemen were confronted by the banknotes smouldering on the lawn.
A police investigation is underway.
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