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新加坡开发电子儿童睡衣 通过互联网传递拥抱 SINGAPORE scientists looking for ways to transmit the sense of touch over the Internet have devised a vibration jacket for chickens and that could lead to electronic children's pyjamas for cyberspace hugs. The wireless jacket for chickens or other pets can be controlled with a computer and gives the animal the feeling of being touched by its owner, said the researchers at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). "These days, parents go on a lot of business trips, but with children, hugging and touching are very important. NTU is thinking of a pyjama suit for children, which would use the Internet to adjust changes in pressure and temperature to simulate the feeling of being hugged. 新加坡科学家目前正在研究如何通过互联网传递触觉,他们已为小鸡设计出一种可振动的夹克衫。接下来他们将开发一种通过网络传递拥抱的电子儿童睡衣。 据新加坡南洋理工大学的科研人员透露,新型夹克不仅适用于小鸡,还适用于其他宠物。通过无线电通讯装置,夹克自动接收来自电脑的指令,其振动时产生的效果会使动物们感到自己正被主人爱抚。 如今,许多父母经常出差,与孩子相处的时间很少,而父母的拥抱和爱抚对孩子的健康成长却极其重要。为解决这一问题,新加坡南洋理工大学正加紧研制这种特制睡衣。其特殊之处在于,人们可以通过互联网调节其压力和温度,从而令穿着者产生一种被抚爱的感觉。 盗信贼被判示众8小时 THE US Supreme Court allowed Shawn Gementera to be sentenced to spend a day outside a San Francisco post office wearing a signboard stating, "I stole mail. This is my punishment." On November 28, the justices rejected an appeal by Gementera, who argued that this was designed to publicly shame and humiliate him. Gementera pleaded guilty to mail theft after police arrested him and an accomplice in 2001 for stealing letters from several mailboxes in San Francisco. US District Judge Vaughn Walker in 2003 sentenced Gementera to two months in prison, to be followed by three years of supervised release. The conditions for his release required Gementera to spend four days at a post office observing patrons inquiring about lost or stolen mail, to write letters of apology to the victims of his crime, to give three lectures at high schools about his crime and to wear the two-sided sign for one eight-hour day. 美国最高法院28日驳回盗信贼肖恩格曼特拉的上诉,裁决他依照原判接受刑罚。依据判决,他不得不在身前和背后挂上“我偷了邮件,这是对我的惩罚”的大牌子,在邮局门口站整整一天。 格曼特拉于2001年5月伙同他人在旧金山偷窃信件。2003年2月,当地法官沃恩沃克对格曼特拉判以2个月监禁及3年监外服刑,而且监外服刑的前提是他必须在邮局工作4天,向前来寻信的失主写信道歉,去3所高中做报告,痛斥自己盗信的恶行,并在胸前、背后挂着大牌子在邮局外站上8个小时。格曼特拉上诉说这样的判处对他极尽羞辱,有悖人权,但最高法院最终驳回了他的上诉。 为保禽畜免遭猎手误杀 美国农民给动物“着色” WITH deer hunters out all over the woods, a farmer has decided to paint his cows, horses and even his dog bright orange to make sure they aren't mistaken for deer. Friz Konieczka doesn't want to take any chances because he heard about a neighbour's horse being shot during hunting season several years ago. Konieczka, a Clinton County farmer, wants his animals to stand out-and they do. Fluorescent orange paint lines their backs and sides. Konieczka said he'd rather spend US$5 for a can of orange paint than have one of his animals killed or injured. He painted his horses, cows, goats, turkeys and even his Dalmatian, Buddy. 每逢狩猎季节,美国部分森林里就满是狩鹿的猎人。为保证自家动物不致成为“弹下之鬼”,一位叫弗里茨科尼克兹卡的农民想出了奇招:给自家的动物涂上亮橙色油漆。 自从听说邻居的马在几年前被狩猎者错当成鹿被射杀后,科尼克兹卡就开始想办法如何保护自家的动物。在他看来,惟有把自家动物弄得特别一些,才能让人一眼就辨别出来。思来想去,他决定将它们的背部和侧身涂上亮橙色油漆。虽说5美元一罐的油漆对他来说也不算便宜,但这样毕竟能保护好家里的动物。 于是,这位老兄就把他家的马、牛、羊、火鸡,甚至一条达尔马提亚狗都统统涂上了颜色。 | ![]() |
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