本文作者: Prof. Roland Sussex
成功的演讲者应当具备演讲的能力、技巧与策略。其中,能力包括演讲者的语言能力、演讲前的准备能力及跨文化交际能力;同时,演讲者需要一定的表演技巧使演讲具有现实性与说服力;最后,演讲者还需具备应对非常规局面的策略。 PUBLIC speaking in a second language can be a double jeopardy: not only does the speaker have to handle the usual stresses of speaking in public, but in addition there is the insecurity of speaking outside one's first-language comfort zone. Success requires expertise in at least 3 areas: competence, artistry and strategy. Competence, since Hyme's famous addition of "communicative competence" to Chomsky's basic formal competence, has been taken to mean not only a mastery of the sounds, words, syntax and vocabulary of a language, but also its pragmatics and communicative capacities, taken in their widest sense to include voice techniques and body language. The second theme is artistry. Public speaking is not merely the well-judged application of language skills to a special communicative task. It involves performance plus artistry. Learning a second language requires that you be a highly skilled actor. In order to be convincing, they need to find new ways of being persuasive. Good second language public speakers need this even more. Seen in this light, public speaking is not only about personality. It is also like a ballet or concert performance. The script has been learnt and exhaustively rehearsed. But it is still a tight-rope activity: memory can fail, tongue and brain can be out of synchronization, nerves can silence you without warning. To overcome such moments you need to be able to recover, improvise perhaps and find ways to get your performance back on track. That kind of expertise - some of it can indeed be taught - should be part of the training of second-language public speakers. And finally we come to strategy. I have attended numerous public-speaking competitions and debates where carefully prepared scripts were meticulously delivered. However, excellent repetition of a pre-learnt script is not enough, however good the script and however good the repetition. It is necessary to plan the speech with a view to the speaker's capacities, the audience, the rules and criteria of the competition, and the kinds of unanticipated events which can occur during a speech: the audience laughs when you don't want it to, or fails to laugh at a crucial joke which is to be the fulcrum of a major part of the speech. To handle all these factors well, one needs a clear sense of context, situation and strategy-- what to do if the unfamiliar situation does occur. --------------------------------- Prof. Roland Sussex, 澳大利亚昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland, Australia)应用语言学教授研究领域:语言技巧与学习、语言学与应用语言学、新闻广播学等。 | ![]() |
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