本文作者: 剑桥专家组供稿
* 培养学生正确地思考、分析问题的模式
* 让学生在快乐的氛围中学习英语
* 培养团队精神(如果各组成员之间不能有效地交流信息,该团队活动容易失败。教师可为每个小组指定一位“秘书”或“代表”,代表小组发言。)
* 向学生详细解释游戏规则
* 将学生分组(每组不超过六人)
* 在黑板上写下6,5,4,3,2,1几个数字
* 逐条朗读谜语提示
* 朗读过程中,小组可随时抢答,猜出答案
* 如果学生在第一个提示后就得出了正确答案,即获得6分;第二个提示后得出正确答案得5分……得分依次递减
* 在抢答中,如某一小组提供了错误答案,即失去再次抢答的资格
* 可让学生自行策划和设计谜语,并互相猜答案
I'm a beautiful animal.
I'm found in Africa.
I have the first and last letters of the alphabet in my name.
I'm like a horse.
I'm striped.
I'm a sport.
I'm usually done by men.
You need to be powerful and quick.
Muhammad Ali is the most famous man who has played this sport.
You wear shorts and gloves.
I'm something English people eat for breakfast.
I'm hot.
You can put butter and jam on me.
I'm cooked bread.
I'm usually made of paper,
but in Australia I'm plastic.
I come in lots of colours.
I have pictures and numbers on me.
You use me to buy things.
I'm brown on the outside.
I'm white on the inside.
I'm hard and you can eat or drink me.
I'm hairy.
I grow in hot countries.
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