夯实阅读技巧训练 提高英语阅读技能
本文作者: 21ST
编者按:英不是学生英学中的障碍之一,也是教教学中的一大点。此,本目精了三例提高学生英能力的教学方案,从快速技巧、重文章、新理解三个角度,探了技巧、提高学生能力的有效途径。 Teaching Second Language Reading Strategies Takako Kawabata 在阅读英语材料时很多学生总感到自己阅读存在困难。本文作者介绍了练习英语阅读的几种方法,旨在引导培养学生正确的阅读习惯,提高阅读速度。 1. 准备阶段 首先,教师根据学生的英语水平从报刊中选出一定难度的文章并影印在一张能让全班学生看到的纸上。 2. 预测文章内容 教师将纸贴在黑板上,把新闻正文盖住,仅露出标题,并让学生根据标题猜出文章的主题。教师可引导学生问如下问题:新闻中发生的事件是什么?事件发生原因又是什么?并让学生猜测可能的答案。 3. 介绍示范阅读技巧 此时,教师将整张大纸贴在黑板上,并根据刚才的提问向学生示范“略读”技巧:即有选择地进行阅读,可跳过文章某些细节,以求抓住文章的大概,加快阅读速度。完成之后教师让学生自己练习略读。 示范略读技巧后,教师向学生介绍“寻读”的方法:从资料中迅速查找自己需要或感兴趣的某项具体事实或特定信息,如人物、事件、地点、数字等,而对其它无关部分则略去不读。此时,教师再让学生回答在预测阶段的问题,并对照原先猜测的答案看是否正确。 4. 总结 教师向学生总结略读和寻读技巧,重点是将抓住文章主题和示范的两种快速阅读的方法结合起来,让学生在理解文章的同时提高阅读速度。 1. Preparatory stage First, the teacher selects articles from newspapers graded-down for non-native speakers. Texts printed on large sheets are used for whole class activities. 2.Prediction activities The teacher shows only the title of the text at this stage, and asks the students to predict the topic based on the following questions: What was the event? And why did the event occur?After that, the teacher introduces what kind of strategies are necessary for reading newspaper articles and achieving the above purpose; such as skimming or scanning. This activity assists the students in acquiring skills to deal with unfamiliar vocabulary without depending on dictionaries. 3. Introduction of reading techniques At this stage, the teacher shows the students the whole text printed on a large sheet put on a board. First, the teacher shows skimming strategies to assist the readers. After the demonstration, the teacher asks the students some questions such as: What is the text about? How do we know about the topic of the text? What is the purpose of this type of text? Next, the teacher asks the students to skim through the text and discuss the above questions in groups. Skimming strategies are introduced to get an overall picture and to ascertain the genre and nature of the text. Discussion with peers and the teacher at this stage might provide general information about the topic and structure of the text, and the students might be able to predict further what the text is about. Next, scanning activities are introduced to teach ways of finding appropriate information in the text that is necessary for successful reading comprehension. With this exercise, the students may be able to locate specific information about the topic of the text. To assist in scanning, the teacher asks the students to answer the questions designed for the prediction activities, and to write the responses on the board. Answering the designed questions confirms or disproves the readers’ predictions. 4. Summarization The teacher summarizes the basic method of skimming and scanning. The key is to combine methods with an understanding of the text. Text Reconstruction Danielle Silva 英语文章的组织顺序和上下文逻辑通常是学生在阅读中的弱点。本文作者将寓言、小说等文学形式引入课堂,并引领学生进行文章的重组。其优点在于能有效地激发学生阅读兴趣,让学生在寓教于乐中领悟文章的上下文关系和逻辑顺序,不失为教学中的一个好方法。 具体步骤如下: 1.教师选择一篇学生可能感兴趣的文本,最好为寓言,童话等文学体例,然后将其影印并根据班里学生的组数将影印纸裁剪成不同份数的纸片。注意将学生分成两个人一个小组,这样能使学生之间有充分的互动与交流。 2.将纸片分发给学生之前,教师可向学生提出一些与文章中话题相关的问题以吸引学生注意力。如果教师选择的是一篇与未来世界的生活相关的文本,则可以以提问的方式开始整堂课:“大家能想象出三十年后我们的生活会是什么样的吗?”除此之外,教师也可以给学生放一段与话题有关的电影或音像资料,之后在此基础上向大家介绍即将要进行的活动。 3.将阅读纸片发给学生,每组的内容都不同,学生以两人一组进行阅读。如遇到生词或难词,学生可以使用字典。阅读完毕后,学生以组为单位根据本组的阅读材料用自己的话向全班叙述出其主要内容。然后,教师引导全班各组将听到的各段落主要内容进行段落排序,将分散的文章段落进行重组。学生可能对段落的先后顺序有不同的意见,而教师可对分歧持保留意见,并要求学生提出各自排序的理由。 4.最后,教师将整篇完整的文本发给学生,让学生将自己的段落排序方式与原文进行对比,教师可与学生一起讨论并对学生的答案进行点评,帮助学生熟悉英语行文的逻辑特征。 THIS activity aims at giving students an opportunity to practice and develop their reading skills. Any text(fables, fairy tales)that the teacher believes will be motivating and interesting to students can be used. Step One: Select the passage you want to be reconstructed and make copies of it. After you’ve done that, divide the passage by the number of students you have in your class, and then cut the text into small pieces. It is also possible to pair students up and have them work on only one piece of the text (instead of working individually on different pieces). This will allow students to interact even more during the activity. It would also be a good idea to put some dictionaries in the classroom. Step Two: It is important to come up with some pre-reading questions to ask the students, so they can get more interested and motivated to perform the activity. For instance, if you have selected a short story that describes life in the future, you could start by asking the students what their life will be like 30 years from now. You might even show a few minutes of a movie that explores this subject, and then propose the activity for the students. Step Three: After you have asked the students all the pre-reading questions you should give each one of them a piece of the text. If students cannot guess the meaning of a new word from the context they are free to use a dictionary. Since one of the goals of this activity is developing skills and strategies it is important that the teacher let the students perform the entire task by themselves. After they have read and understood their part, they should summarize it for the class using their own words. The class, as a group, will reconstruct the text so it has a certain type of sequence. After that, the students may have come up with a variety of answers. In regard to this, the teacher may reserve his or her opinion and invite the students to offer their arguments concerning their sequence. Step Four Finally, the teacher hands out the original text and discusses it with the group. The teacher may also comment on students’ work and give them some tangible and practical advice. Understanding Newspaper Headlines Kenneth Beare 新闻阅读是英语阅读教学中重要的一环。本文旨在帮助学生更好地理解新闻标题的独特形式,提高学生对新闻标题的领悟能力。 第一步: 从旧报纸中找出适合学生水平的若干新闻标题,如:James Wood to Visit Portland;Man Killed in Accident;Overwhelming Response of Voters等,目的是让学生熟悉标题特殊的语法结构。确保每位学生至少分到两个新闻标题。 第二步:给学生几分钟时间思考,让每个学生将自己的标题以及自己对新闻标题的理解“翻译”成正常易懂的英语句子给全班听。在全班完成该任务之后,教师让学生集体讨论新闻标题的特殊语法结构有哪些基本的种类。 第三步:让学生将自己的标题按照如下基本的种类进行分类:名词短语,简单时态(非进行时或完成时),省略助动词的被动时态,省略冠词形式,表示将来的不定词等等。 第四步:教师指导学生再次回顾自己对新闻标题的理解,并对学生的理解进行更正或点评。教师也可以让学生课后自己找一些新闻标题进行练习,找到后让同组的另一名学生按照课上的方法对标题意思进行解释。 THIS lesson focuses on helping make sense of the strange forms used in newspaper headlines. You may want to review some of the most common grammar exceptions found in newspaper headlines before you take this lesson into class. Step One: Find some headlines in old newspapers or on the Internet and cut them out. There should be at least two headlines per student. Step Two: Pass out one of the headlines to each student. Give them a few minutes to think about the meaning of each headline. Ask students to read their headlines aloud and “translate” each headline into “proper” English and give an explanation of what they think the related article concerns. As a class, brainstorm on possible structural meanings behind the “strange” grammar found in headlines. Step Three: Ask students to fit the following headlines into the correct categories: Noun Phrases;Noun Strings; Simple Tenses instead of Continuous or Perfect; Auxiliary Verbs Dropped in Passive Form; Articles Dropped; and Infinitive to Indicate Future. You may want to have students pair up to do this. Step Four: Ask each student to review their “translation” and the teacher corrects the exercise as a class. As a homework option, you may want to ask students to find some headlines on their own and repeat this exercise. A further challenge might be to ask students to find headlines, read the article, and then ask other students to interpret their headlines in small groups. |
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