创新角色扮演 活化英语口语教学
本文作者: 21ST
编者按:基于英语口语教学活动,本栏目精选了三例运用角色扮演来提高英语口语的教学方案,探讨了如何在课堂教学中运用role-play的技巧。通过这些优秀案例,我们可以从中得到以下启示:(1)注重学生的直接参与,强调互动性;(2)激发学生的创造性;(3)正确处理学生在角色扮演中的语言错误。 Lesson plan: press conference Lindsey Newhall 这项名为"新闻发布会"的课堂活动十分适合六人以上的小组和小班,能够同时训练学生的会话和听力能力,并且寓教于乐。 第一步: 教师将学生分成两组:"公司"和"新闻媒体"。"公司"由二至五人组成,如果超过五人,讨论将不可避免地被某些学生主导而另一些学生却没有发言的机会,其他学生则扮演"新闻媒体"。 第二步: 教师或"公司"先想出一个存在明显缺陷的产品,例如:(1)把头发染成了蓝色的金色染发剂;(2)在转弯处时速超过40英里就会翻车的汽车;(3)骑了一星期后就掉轮子的自行车;(4)从包装中取出后就成碎片的可动人偶。然后,"公司"向全班介绍该产品并说明其存在的缺陷。这个游戏的目的在于"公司"要尽可能机智得体地维持收益并维护公司声誉,而"新闻媒体"要尽力使"公司"承认产品缺陷并承诺退款和/或召回产品。这个游戏十分有趣,视学生的兴趣程度可持续一至两个小时。 第三步: 如果讨论进行得比较缓慢,教师可以亲自参与到活动当中,向"公司代表们"发出质问。 第四步: 教师记下学生用法有误的单词或句子,或者那些已经教过学生而他们却时常忘记或用错的单词,在"新闻发布会"结束时进行针对复习。 THIS is called "Press Conference" and it's great for small groups and classes of about six people or more. It stresses listening, speaking, and overall conversation. And it's fun! Step One Divide the students into two groups: the "company" and the "press". The "company" should be two to five people. If there are more than five people, some students will invariably dominate the discussion while other students remain silent. The "press" is the rest of the class. Step Two Either you or the "company" come up with a faulty product. For example: (1) blonde hair dye that turns your hair blue; (2) a car that flips over if it takes a turn at over 40 mph; (3) a bike that loses its wheel after a week; (4) an action figure that breaks into little pieces after you take it out of the package. The "company" explain the product and its defect to the whole class. The goal of the game is for the "company" to keep as much of its profit and reputation in tact, while the "press" tries to get the "company" to admit fault and promise refunds and/or a recall of the product. This is a fun game, and it could potentially go for an hour or two, depending on how into it the students get. In my experience, they love trying to trip each other up. Step Three If the discussion is lagging, you can always step in and ask the "company representatives" a few questions. Step Four Another helpful thing to do is writing down words or sentences they've said incorrectly, or words you have taught them that they keep forgetting or keep getting wrong. Go over this at the end of the "press conference". New student role play Emma Pathare 在这项角色扮演活动中,学生能够很快掌握如何用英语咨询信息或提供信息,不啻为一个提高交际能力的好方法。 第一步: 教师以讲述趣闻、展示图片或提出问题等形式确定角色扮演的场景。场景确定后,教师让学生集思广益,就语言学校和新生双方在入学前需要了解对方哪些信息展开讨论。 第二步: 教师将学生分组并讲解角色卡片上的内容。教师让水平较好的学生作示范,然后分发卡片。为了收到更佳的效果,教师可以用不同的颜色制作卡片,比如,红色卡片代表"接线员",黄色卡片则代表"新生"。这样能够方便教师区分角色,也易于角色互换,重新开始游戏。 第三步: 教师强调问询是通过电话进行的,借此让学生讨论电话英语中的开场白和结束语。例如,在英语中,人们习惯用"This is..."介绍自己,而非"I am..."。教师还可顺势引入"语域"概念,即双方在对话时,用语的礼貌程度。 第四步: 以组为单位,教师要求学生相互背对而坐,以防他们看到对方卡片的内容。学生在无法听清对话的情况下,可以要求对方重复。需要指出的是,教师若能向学生提供表演道具,可以帮助他们更快地进入角色。 第五步: 教师控制游戏时间。当游戏进行时,教师记下学生在对话中遇到的困难,并在结束时查漏补缺。游戏结束时,教师让学生比较自己列出的信息和同伴卡片上的信息来检查完成情况。 如果时间充裕,教师要求学生互换角色。 注意,"接线员"卡片需更新,这样他们能够就该校的新信息展开游戏。 THIS is a role-play activity in which your students practice asking for and giving personal details and directions. Step One Set the context for the role-play. You can do this by describing the situation, telling an anecdote, showing a picture or posing some discussion questions. Once the context is clear, the teacher asks students to brainstorm the type of information the language school will need from the new student and what the new student will need to know before she/he goes to the school. With lower levels, I extend this section by getting the students to prepare the questions they will need to ask to find this information. I get the students to work on question form and pronunciation, with focus on sentence stress and intonation. Step Two Put the students in pairs. Explain the role cards. Do a quick demonstration with one or two stronger students. Give out the cards. When doing this type of activity, it helps if you can photocopy the cards onto different color paper: for example, red for the receptionist and yellow for the students. This helps the teacher to quickly see who has which role, and to smoothly reorganize pairings. Step Three Stress to the students that this is a telephone conversation. The teacher can extend this section by getting the students to brainstorm the way we start and finish telephone calls in English. For example, in some languages people introduce themselves with "I am...", rather than "This is...". You could also introduce the idea of "register"-the degree of politeness that would be used in this conversation. Step Four Put the students in pairs. Ask them to sit back-to-back, so they can't read each other's role cards. If they have trouble hearing their partner, they should ask their partner to repeat, as they would if they were really talking on the telephone. All role-plays work better with props. Even simple props like cardboard phones will help students "get into the role", and when they do get into it, they invariably perform better. Step Five Set a time limit. As the students do the role-play, walk around and listen. Note down some of the problems with language they have and use these for a "correction slot" afterwards. When most of the students have finished, call time. Your students then compare the information they have written down with that on their partner's role card to see how well they have done. If there is time, ask your students to swap roles. They could also swap partners for more variety. The "new student" card can be used again. Give the receptionists the "receptionist role card, version 2" so that they have new information to give about the school. Riding the metro Lindsay Clandfield 本文采用角色扮演的方法,让学生在模拟场景中掌握如何用英语询问乘坐地铁。 第一步: 教师做一系列动作,让学生猜出所模拟的动作正是乘坐地铁,从而引出课堂主题。 第二步: 教师在黑板上画一张简易地铁图,但至少包含一个换乘点。教师问学生如何从A站前往B站,并允许他们给出不同的方案。 第三步: 教师给出另一组关于如何从A站到B站的指令,要求学生仔细听。教师把相关单词和词组写在黑板上,让他们按照听到的顺序把单词和词组记在纸上。如有必要,教师重复一遍指令。接着,教师让两个成组的学生校对答案。 第四步: 学生每两人组成一组,重复刚才的练习,并要求他们尽量使用黑板上的单词和词组。 第五步: 教师把地铁图以及有关英语表达的讲义分发给学生,要求他们把这些表达应用到练习中。教师在教室中来回走动并给予必要的指导。当学生在语言点上犯错时,教师应予以纠正。最后,教师邀请一组同学上台表演。 THIS lesson is useful for students living in cities with an underground system that is frequented by English-speaking tourists. Step One Mime a series of actions. They must guess what you are doing. Explain that today's lesson is about using the metro. Step Two Draw a simple metro map on the board. You should include at least one station change. Ask students to tell you how to get to point A from point B. Allow different contributions. Step Three Tell students to listen to another set of instructions on how to get from A to B. Write the relevant words and phrases on the board and ask them to copy the words down in the order they hear them in your talk. You can read the instructions again if needed. Allow students to check the answers in pairs. Step Four Put students in pairs. Tell them to practice giving the same instructions to each other. They can use the words on the board as prompts. Erase the language from the board and tell the students to put their papers away. Put the students into new pairs. Tell each pair to role-play the same situation. Step Five Distribute metro maps and useful language sheets. Tell them to incorporate these into their practice. Circulate and monitor, correcting only if students make mistakes with the language you've taught them. Ask different pairs to come up and present their role-play. | ![]() |
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