创造真实交流环境 提高英语口语能力
本文作者: 21ST
为了给广大英语教育者和学习者提供最新的学习资讯、教育理念以及课堂教学实例,不断提高英语语言能力和授课技能,本报特从国际知名英语教学网选编国际优秀英语教学论文,以飨读者。 编者按:口语教学一直备受教师关注,如何才能提高学生的学习兴趣,使其积极主动地开口说英语?许多教师都在探索行之有效的方法。为此,本栏目精选了三例引导学生学习口语的教学方案,分别从使用真实教学材料、掌握英语会话技巧和创造真实的语言交流环境三个角度探讨了这个问题。 Using art postcards in ESL/EFL communication classes 在以下活动中,作者将印有著名画家作品的明信片引入课堂,为学生进行丰富多彩的活动创造真实的交流环境。以下是作者在教学实践中的教学方案: 教师先帮助学生掌握或复习“there be” 句型,动词的现在进行时以及表示方位的介词短语。为方便学生在以下的活动中使用,教师可将对话中可能用到的短语列在黑板上。 上课之前教师应多准备一些明信片,以便让学生选择他们喜欢的作品。教师将学生分为两人一组,每个学生选择一张明信片,在三分钟之内观察自己的卡片并作记录,其间不得向同组的伙伴展示自己的图片。三分钟过后,在不使用字典的情况下,各小组的学生甲向学生乙描述自己明信片上的图画,学生乙根据甲的描述进行绘画,然后再交换角色。这个活动可控制在十分钟之内。绘画完毕后,教师可给学生一些时间,将自己的画和原作进行一下对比。同时小组内学生双方可针对彼此的绘画进行交流,交流的一些看法可用于写作练习。 教师给学生5分钟的时间查字典,让其找出并记录与明信片上的画面的15至20个单词。再给学生15分钟的时间,让其写下对该画面的详细描述。学生可在小组内与同学讨论自己的文章,并交给教师进行批改。 IN keeping with the theory that authentic materials have an important role in the language classroom, I bring postcards of paintings by well-known artists to class to provide raw material for the students to do a variety of tasks. Step One: Pre-teaching At the beginning of this class, it is advisable that you pre-teach or review the following: the structure of “there be” and the present progressive form of some common verbs. Put a list of spatial prepositions and phrases up on the board and give clear examples of them, in a drawing for the students to copy, practice and get familiar with. Step Two: Describe and draw * Divide the students into pairs. Provide at least twice as many cards as there are students so they can have a choice. * Each student selects a card (which they cannot show to their partner), observes it and makes notes for 3 minutes. * Partner A describes the picture to Partner B, without using a dictionary. * Partner B attempts to draw the picture by listening carefully, while Partner A observes and gives directions. Limit the time to about 10 minutes per picture. * When partner A has finished describing a painting for B to draw, partner B will describe his/her painting for A to draw. Allow some time for comparing the originals with the drawings and for the partners to admire and exchange positive comments about the drawings. This can be done in writing. Step Three: Deepening the discussion and writing * Using dictionaries, students work alone and look up 15 to 20 descriptive words about the picture and write them in a list. Allow 5 minutes. * Students write a detailed description of the scene in the painting. Allow about 15 minutes. * Students present the compositions to groups of classmates. * Allow time for discussion. * Students then submit written work to the teacher. Change the topic 这个教学活动适合于中等英语程度的学生,目的是帮助学生掌握一些对话技巧。具体教学步骤如下: 第一步; 教师让学生听写一些有关对话中应答及转换话题的常用语句,每句话可以重复一遍。 第二步: 学生两人一组互相检查听写。然后教师要求学生将听写的语句按照功能,分成应答和转换话题两类。 第三步: 教师邀请一组学生将他们的答案写在黑板上并进行讲解,分别阐明每个语句的含义(可以翻译其中的一些)。 第四步: (这步不是必须的)如果学生在这之前没有学过这些语句,教师可以针对这些新出现的表达法,对学生进行操练。可以先让学生集体跟读,然后再分别单个练习。 第五步: 教师可要求学生从以上两类词汇中各选择三个语句,并将这六个语句分别抄在小纸条上。 第六步: 教师将学生分为四人一组,让其拿出各自的小条,混合在一起,进行重新分配。这样重新分配后,小组内的每个学生都会有六张新的小纸条。 第七步: 教师发放“话题列单”并告诉学生,每个小组中第一个发言的学生应谈论有关周末的话题,可以针对该活动说一至两句话。 第八步: 当每个小组中的第一个学生发言结束后,小组中的下一个学生必须抽一张纸条。如果抽出的是一张应答纸条,就必须以纸条上的这句话为起点,接着上一个话题说下去。如果抽到的是转换话题的纸条,就必须以卡片上的这句话作为开头,谈论工作单中的下一个话题。 第九步: 下一个学生做法如上。 第十步: 在该活动开始之前,教师可以为学生作出演示。 LEVEL: Intermediate AIM: Students learn expressions for responding in conversation and changing the topic, then play a discussion game. Step One: Start by telling the class you are going to dictate some expressions used in responding to what someone says and in changing the topic. Step Two: Ask students to check their dictation in pairs. Then draw the diagram on the board and ask them to copy it down and put the expressions in the right place. One column is Changing the Topic, the other one is Responding to What Someone Says. Step Three: When students have finished, ask a pair to come up and write their answers on the board. Go through all the expressions, clarifying what they mean (this could mean translating some of them). Step Four: (optional) At this stage, if the students haven’t encountered these expressions before it may be worthwhile to drill them. Have the class repeat them in check after you, then ask individual students to say them. Step Five: Ask students to choose three expressions from each column (total six) and copy them onto separate little pieces of paper. Do an example first to show them what you mean. Step Six: Put the students in groups of four. Tell them to collect all papers and mix them up. They should now redistribute the papers so that each student has a mixture of six papers. Step Seven: Distribute the worksheet. Explain that the first person in the group should start to talk about the weekend. They can say one or two sentences. Step Eight: When the first person stops, the next person in the group must “play” one of their cards. If they play a response card (really, you’re joking etc), they must start with that word/phrase and add something else. If they play a change the topic card (by the way, speaking about etc.), they must start with that word/phrase and then introduce the next topic on the worksheet. Step Nine: The next player continues in the same way. Step Ten: Before students start, you can give an example. Dating game 这个游戏适用于不同年龄,不同英语水平的学习者,特别是在其学习有关人物面貌、性格和兴趣爱好等词汇时,具体做法如下: 首先教师在黑板上贴上一张照片,让学生猜猜这个人的姓名,年龄和职业。学生们可以畅所欲言,教师把学生们提到的相关词汇写在黑板上。然后让学生描述这个人的性格和爱好并引导学生描绘出他/她所喜欢的朋友的面貌,性格特征。 在练习并掌握了以上有关人物面貌特征、性格和爱好的表达法后,教师分发给每个学生一张人物照片,要求学生写下这个人的特征,以及这个朋友的特征。之后,在不看照片的前提下,通过相互询问,学生为自己照片上的人找到合适的朋友。 PUT a picture of a person on the board and ask the students to tell you his/her name, age and job. Write whatever they tell you on the board. Then ask them to describe him/her physically (again write what they tell you on the board). Repeat this procedure for his/her character and hobbies. You should end up with a paragraph profile of the person. Read the description of the person and elicit from the students that he/she is not happy because they are single and would like to meet a man/woman. Then follow the same procedure above to get a description of the person that they would like to meet. At the end of all this you should have two descriptions. * Give each of the students a picture and tell them not to show it to anyone. The students then have to write a description of the person in the picture and the person they would like to meet. Point out that they can use the model on the board as a guide. Monitor and feed in language as they need it. * Tell the students to leave their pictures face down on the table and to mingle. The aim is for them to try and find a partner for the person in their picture. At lower levels they can take the description with them as they mingle. They need to talk to everybody and not just settle for the first person who comes along asking questions to ensure they find the right person. It is also a good idea to play some romantic music in the background as they are mingling (Marvin Gaye or Stevie Wonder). * After you have given them enough time to find partners, stop the activity. Then you can conduct a feedback session and ask the students to tell the class about their invented character and the partner that they have found. | ![]() |
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