本文作者: 华东师范大学附属东昌中学 华海玲
引言 词汇教学是中学英语教学的一项重要内容。通过借助电子辞典,学生可以有效地扩大词汇量,并提升对词汇学习的兴趣。Casio电子辞典的“汉英词典”“搭配词典”“近义词词典”等功能能够帮助学生迅速查询到自己需要的单词及词组,电子辞典的发音功能也能有效帮助学生正确朗读单词。 本版教学案例为华东师范大学附属东昌中学华海玲老师的词汇教学案例,供读者学习和参考。 教学案例 教学内容: Unit 4 Creatures Large and Small Friend or enemy? Read this excerpt from the play Winston and the Spider to learn about one kind of small creature. The scene begins with Winston and his wife Betty standing in their kitchen. Betty: (jumping in fright, and then shouting) Kill it! Winston: (calmly) Certainly not. Betty: Why? You’re not frightened of it, Winston, are you? It’s only an insect. Winston: It isn’t an insect, Betty. It’s a spider. Actually, spiders are very useful creatures. I watched a TV programme last night that completely changed my view about spiders. Do you want to hear about it? Betty: Not really, (She sighs.) but I suppose you’re going to tell me anyway. Winston: Spiders are the enemies of insects and the friends of humans. Chinese farmers realized that years ago. Do you know that in parts of China, in autumn, farmers build shelters for spiders and put them all over their fields? Betty: No. I didn’t know that. Winston: (ignoring her remarks) The shelters are like little tents. Surviving winter in them, the spiders emerge healthy and hungry when spring comes. At the same time, millions of insects arrive to attack the farmers’ crops. The spiders fill their empty stomachs, and the farmers become happy because their fields have been protected. Betty: So everyone is happy except the insects. Winston: Right, and now this natural method of pest control is being copied all over the world. Betty: (looking bored) Interesting, but now I must go and... Winston: (becoming excited) Wait! There’s more. What’s stronger than steel, lighter than a feather and as elastic as a rubber band? Betty: What? Winston: It’s the silk the spiders make their webs with. Scientists are trying to develop a material having similar properties. They plan to use it in spacecraft, artificial organs like hearts, and to make really bulletproof vests. Betty: I still think spiders are nasty and should be killed. Their bites are dangerous, aren’t they? Winston: To insects, yes, but to people, rarely. But even their poison is useful. Doctors think it might be used to treat brain disorders in humans. Betty: That’s good news for you, then. (She laughs.) But seriously, I get your point, Winston. We should try to understand things in nature and not destroy them. 教学目标: 指导学生利用电子辞典学习单词,掌握单词的音、形、词性转换,培养学生掌握良好的学习方法,提升自学能力。 教学任务: 本课时,学生将通过使用Casio电子词典的“搭配词典”和“近义词典”功能来解决下列单词的各种变化形式,从而对这些单词有更深刻的理解和记忆。同时,通过学习同一个单词的不同变化形式,学生也将学会用联想的方法记忆单词,而这种联想的方法可以让学生以最快的速度扩大词汇量。 本课单词包括: creature, emerge, artificial, rarely, view, pest, treat, shelter, bored, bulletproof vest, disorder, tent, elastic, nasty, get, survive, property, bite, one’s point 教学过程: 1.单词热身 教师结合本课内容,呈现出单词,要求学生同桌两人合作,借助电子辞典联想其他相关的单词。这一活动旨在活跃课堂气氛,导入单词学习,同时让学生通过使用电子辞典积累新单词。 按照教师的要求,学生很快罗列出部分简单且常用的昆虫名称。接着,教师又要求学生说出一些生活中常见但学生不会用英文表达的单词。这里主要引导学生使用“汉英辞典”功能。(见图一、二) 2.检查读音 由于已经布置学生提前预习单词读音,因此教师此时用大屏幕呈现部分单词并让学生逐个朗读。遇到学生读不准的单词时,教师仍然会领读并及时纠正学生的错误发音。教师同时提醒学生通过电子辞典验证发音,并跟读。通过检查,笔者发现学生能够借助电子辞典记住单词的发音。 3.单词学习 读音问题解决之后,教师布置学生新的任务:通过“搭配词典”和“同义词典”功能快速查找一个单词的不同搭配以及近义词。举例说明: (1) creature:首先,通过“英汉双解词典”查出该词有多少种不同的含义,并记录几个简单常用的词组和句子。如: a creature from outer space (见图三) Whales are the largest creatures living on earth. 然后教师要求学生使用“单词跳查”——“搭配辞典”。学生说出他们所认识的不同搭配:living creatures, simple/complex creatures, cold-blooded/warm-blooded creatures, furry creatures等。 (见图四) 随后又跳查到“同义词典”,查找creature的近义词:living thing, animal, beast, brute。(见图五) (2)view:通过“搭配辞典”找出常用的搭配: general view, popular view。在“同义词典”中找出近义词:opinion, belief, point of view, way of thinking等。 (3)elastic:借助“同义词典”找出近义词flexible, stretchy等。 (4)nasty:借助“同义词典”找出近义词horrible, unpleasant, disgusting, awful, disagreeable, terrible等。 注:词性转换的查找其实很简单。学生只需键入单词,屏幕左边就会出现一串与该词相关的单词,于是学生就很容易找到所查的单词的各种词性。(见图六) 如:survive (v.)—survival (n.)—survivor (n.); bored (a.)—boring (a.)—bore (v.)—boredom (n.) 学生有时很喜欢集体活动。比如,教师让全班学生同时查询一个单词的同一个用法时,他们自发地开始比赛,首先查到的学生第一时间喊出结果,使动作慢的学生感到非常着急。于是,他们在下次查询时就会加快速度,力争在最短的时间内查到结果。这样,教师一直期望看到的学生互相竞争、合作的氛围就出现了。由此可见,只要教师设计出丰富的、能吸引学生的任务,并借助好的教学辅助工具,学生就会提升对单词课的兴趣。 4. 深入讲解课文 教师讲解完单词后开始进入课文教学。听第一遍课文录音,要求学生回答一些简单问题;听第二遍课文录音,要求学生根据课文内容,判断句子的正误。 5. 布置作业 (1)让学生将课上所学单词进行词性转换,并将近义词整理归类。 (2)让学生使用“搭配词典”,找出能与单词表中的动词和形容词进行搭配的单词。 6.检查作业 第二天,教师检查学生的家庭作业。 | ![]() |
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