本文作者: 21ST
Unit Two
Recognition of the Numbers from 1 to 5 & Addition and Subtraction ( 数字1至5的英文读法以及加减法的表述方式)
To recognize: numbers from 1 to 5
To compare: equals; is greater than; is less than; is equal to or greater than; is equal to or less than
Section I Warm-up
How much is two plus three? (2+3=?)
One plus two is three. (1+2=3)
How much are three minus one? (3-1=? )
Three minus one is two. (3-1=2 )
Section II Language you might use in your math classroom
1.Let’s compare (比一比)
Three equals three. (3 = 3)
Three is greater than two. (3 > 2)
Three is less than four. (3 < 4)
2. Let’s count (数一数)
ordinal number (序数词)
the first (第一)the second (第二)the third (第三)
Count from the left, the third one.(从左数第三个)
3.Sum (和)
Three and one is four. (3 + 1等于4; 3和1的和是4)
Three and two is five. (3 + 2等于5; 3和2的和是5)
4. Addition (加法)
plus, and, add to (加)
is, make, equal, be equal to (等于)
How much is two plus three? (2+3=?)
Two plus three is five. (2+3=5)
Two and three is equal to five. (2+3=5)
Two and three make five. (2+3=5)
Two added to three equals five. (2+3=5)
5.Subtraction (减法): minus, subtract(减)
How much are five minus two? (5-2=?)
Five minus two is three. (5 -2 = 3)
Subtract two from five, you get three. (5 -2 = 3)
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