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本文作者: 21ST
Unit 4 Rice and Starch



In this unit, you will:

1.learn the basic science terms for rice.

2.learn how to distinguish rice and starch.

3.find out what foods contain starch.

Section I Warm-up

1.Observe a paddy and say what it is like.

2. Peel the panicle and compare the rough rice with the rice we eat.

Section II Materials and tools that might be useful

paddy sticky rice starch aluminum spoon candle iodine talcum powder chopstick

Section III Language you might use in your Science classroom

1.Peel the panicle and observe the rough rice. (去掉稻谷的壳,看看糙米是怎样的。)

2.Remove the skin and embryo.(去掉壳和胚。)

3.The embryo of plant seeds contains four parts: a seed shoot, a seed root, a seed axis, and a seed leaf.


4.Where does rice come from?(大米是怎么来的?)

5.Compare different kinds of rice and separate them.(比较不同的米,把它们分开。)

6.Write down what you have observed. (记下你看到的。)

7.What are the differences between uncooked rice and cooked rice?(米和米饭有什么区别?)

8.Taste the cooked rice. Is it sweet? (尝尝米饭,是甜的吗?)

9.Pour the starch onto the spoon and add some water.(把淀粉倒进勺里,加点水。)

10.Heat it. What happened? (加热,看看发生了什么?)

11.Add a drop of iodine into the starch.(在淀粉里加一滴碘酒。)

12.Mix the starch and some talcum powder.(把淀粉和滑石粉混在一起。)

13.Drop some starch into the water.(把淀粉加到水里。)

14.Use three transparent bottles to hold them.(用三个透明瓶子来装它们。)

15.Add some saliva.(加一点唾液。)

16.What do we know from that?(从这个我们能了解到什么?)

Section IV Class presentation you might use

In this unit, we will learn the difference between rice and the starch. First, each student will have a panicle of rice. Put it on a piece of paper. What does it look like? When we peel it, we get rough rice. Does it look the same as the panicle? Observe it and discuss the differences with your classmates.

The embryo of plant seeds contains four parts: a seed shoot, a seed root, a seed axis, and a seed leaf. Compare the different types of rice and make records of your observation.

How does cooked rice taste? What caused the taste of sweetness? Starch is a type of sugar without a sweet taste. But in the process of chewing, it changes into sugar. When you add a drop of iodine into starch, it becomes blue. We can make use of this characteristic to judge whether certain foods contain starch or not.

Section V Subject Vocabulary you might need

seed axis 胚轴

chew 咀嚼

seed leaf 子叶

distinguish 区分

drop 滴

seed shoot 胚芽

feel 感觉

heat 加热

mix 混合

nutrition 营养

peel 去壳

seed root 胚根

saliva 唾液

separate 分开

shake 摇晃

taste 尝

transparent 透明的

Section VI General Vocabulary you might need

aluminum 铝

blue 蓝色

candle 蜡烛

cooked rice n. 米饭

embryo 胚

iodine 碘酒

panicel 稻谷

rough rice n. 糙米

skin 壳

starch 淀粉

sticky rice n. 糯米

sugar 糖

sweet 甜

talcum powder n. 滑石粉
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